Donovan Question Preview (ID: 61681)

Donovan Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) to lose
b) to purr
c) to win
d) to ice skate

A Donovan no le gusta la carne, le gusta patinar (translate)
a) Donovan doesn't like meat, he likes to ice skate
b) Donovan loves meat, and not ice skating
c) Donovan likes meat and to ice skate
d) Donovan was adopted

a) To run
b) To meet
c) To show
d) To see

No hay muchas unas pistas de hielos en México (cierto o falso)
a) Falso
b) Cierto

a) To achieve
b) To lose
c) To gain
d) To win

a) To paint
b) To skate
c) To lose
d) To persist

Patinar sobre hielo
a) To ice skate
b) To skate
c) To paint with ice
d) To begin

Donovan has a good relationship with his trainer, so they decided to move in together
a) Donovan no le gusta su padres
b) Donovan tiene una buena relación con su padres, entonces ellos decidieron mudarse juntos
c) Donovan tiene una buena relación con su entrenador, entonces ellos decidieron mudarse juntos
d) A Donovan le muchas gustas su entrenador

Un grado
a) A grade
b) A hurricane
c) A degree
d) A candy cane

a) To cut
b) To commence
c) To eat
d) To begin

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