EOC Review Question Preview (ID: 61680)

Biology. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What part of the cell cycle has been disrupted to allow for the formation of cancer?
a) Normal cells do not respond to external regulators
b) Internal regulators stop the cell cycle to early.
c) Nuclear envelope does not break down during prophase.
d) Production of cyclin has decreased.

Which factor best explains how many diseases, such as cancer, are formed within the body?
a) A traumatic injury to the body has occurred.
b) A disruption in the cell cycle has taken place.
c) A response by the immune system was triggered by an allergic reaction.
d) A mutation occurred during the process of crossing over.

Stem cells can differentiate into many different kinds of cells. Scientists have discovered that the environment supporting the cells influences stem cell-differentiation. What most likely would happen to stem cells grown on a hard, rigid surface?
a) They would become nerve cells.
b) They would become red blood cells.
c) They would become bone cells.
d) They would become skin cells.

Which cellular structure in an animal cell helps maintain homeostasis by controlling the transportation of substances into and out of the cell?
a) vacuole
b) cell wall
c) mitochondrion
d) cell membrane

When a dog smells food and begins drooling, it is responding to an external stimulus. Which of these describes a response to an internal stimulus?
a) A cat sees a mouse and crouches.
b) A parrot hears an name and repeats it.
c) A person eats spoiled food and vomits.
d) A worm senses water and moves to the surface.

Which question would scientists studying prokaryotic organisms most likely ask?
a) How do lysosomes expel bacteria from cells?
b) What role does the cell membrane play in stability?
c) How do chloroplasts convert light into energy?
d) Why are ribosomes efficient protein producers?

Which condition must be fulfilled in order for a virus to reproduce?
a) A virus must have completed internal replication of its DNA.
b) A virus must have ingested a living cell.
c) A virus must store a surplus of tRNA and amino acids.
d) A virus must have taken over the protein production resources of a cell.

In eukaryotic organisms, interaction between cell parts is important for cell shape, tensile strength, and communication between cells. Which two cell parts interact to achieve these functions?
a) Ribosomes and Golgi apparatus
b) Nucleus and central vacuole
c) cell membrane and cytoskeleton
d) mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum

Proteins are compounds formed in the cells of plants and animals. Which element is included in every protein molecule
a) calcium
b) phosphorus
c) carbon
d) nitrogen

Salivary amylase is an enzyme in the human body that digests carbohydrates from food. When food mixed with saliva enters the stomach, the action of salivary amylase slows dramatically. Which causes salivary amylase enzyme to stop digesting food.
a) The pH of the stomach is lower than in the mouth
b) The concentration of food decreases in the stomach
c) The temperature of the food increases in the stomach
d) The food is mixed more in the mouth than in the stomach

Some tissues can be successfully transplanted into humans to treat various medical conditions. Which tissue is transplanted specifically to replace human stem cells?
a) skin
b) cornea
c) cartilage
d) bone marrow

Life processes require energy. Biochemical processes involve specific reactions. Which is a characteristic of biochemical processes common to all animals?
a) function at an pH level
b) heat released as a product
c) use only anaerobic respiration
d) same amount of energy absorbed.

Which fact best supports the importance of sunlight to life on Earth?
a) Few organisms live in the hottest parts of the Sahara desert.
b) Few organisms live in the center of the continent of Antarctica.
c) Few organisms live in the high peaks of the Himalayan Mountains.
d) Few organisms live in th ehot springs of Yellowstone National Park

Which of the following biomolecules have a carbon-nitrogen bond?
a) lipids and proteins
b) nucleic acid and carbohydrate
c) lipids and carbohydrates
d) proteins and nucleic acids

The reaction that releases energy for use by the cell occurs in which site?
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Cell membrane
c) Mitochondrial membrane
d) Chloroplast membrane

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