Review For Final Exam #1 Question Preview (ID: 61679)

6th Grade Science - Earth Science Review For Final. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What can be created from 2 plates that slide past each other?
a) Mountains
b) Earthquakes
c) Ocean Basins
d) Rift Vallies

What are the 4 main properties that are used to identify minerals?
a) Luster, Color, Hardness, Streak
b) Luster, Location, Hardness, Streak
c) Color Luster Location, Magnetism
d) Color, Luster, Hardness, location

What landform is created when an oceanic plate and a continental plate push together?
a) Rift Valley
b) Island
c) Volcano and Trench
d) Ocean Basin

What process is needed to change Igneous rock into sediments?
a) Melting and Cooling
b) Heat and Pressure
c) Weathering, Erosion, Deposition
d) Compaction and cementation

What process is needed to change sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock?
a) Melting and Cooling
b) Heat and Pressure
c) Weathering, Erosion, Deposition
d) Compaction and cementation

What is the name of the tectonic plate that we live on?
a) South American Plate
b) North American Plate
c) Pacific Plate
d) African Plate

What are the products of the rock cycle?
a) Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, compaction, and cementation; Heating and Cooling; and Heat and Pressure
b) Magma, Igneous rock, Sediments, Sedimentary Rock, and Metamorphic Rock

What are the processes of the rock cycle?
a) Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, compaction, and cementation; Heating and Cooling; and Heat and Pressure
b) Magma, Igneous rock, Sediments, Sedimentary Rock, and Metamorphic Rock

Where are the tectonic plates located?
a) Mantle
b) Core
c) Lithosphere
d) Asthenosphere

What are the 3 type of plate boundaries?
a) Transform, Convergent, Divergent
b) Divergent, Conserve, Transform
c) Divergent, Convergent, Translate

What landform is created at a Convergent Boundary (plates push together)?
a) Ocean Basins
b) Rift Valley
c) Mountains
d) Valley

Name the Mechanical Layers of the Earth?
a) Crust, Mantle, Core
b) Crust, Mantle, Inner Core, and Outer Core
c) Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mantle, Outer Core, and Inner core
d) Lithosphere, Mantle, Core

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