Chapter 9 Louisiana Purchase And War Of 1812 Question Preview (ID: 61659)

A Review For Our Chapter 9 Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these was not one of the first 4 presidents?
a) George Washington
b) James Madison
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) Alexander Hamilton

What are the borders of the Louisiana Territory
a) Rocky mountains and Mississippi River
b) Pacific Ocean and Mississippi River
c) Rocky mountains and the Pacific Ocean
d) Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean

Which group threatened to secede from the US because they were opposed tot he war of 1812?
a) New England Federalists
b) Southern Federalists
c) New England Republicans
d) Southern Republicans

What year did the War of 1812 start:?
a) 1812
b) 1813
c) 1814
d) 1815

The right of the Supreme Court to rule on acts of other branches of government is called:
a) Judicial Review
b) Judiciary act of 1801
c) Congressional Review
d) None of these

This man lead the Americans to victory in the Battle of New Orleans:
a) Alexander Hamilton
b) Andrew Jackson
c) James Madison
d) Robert Ross

All of the following are reasons why the US declared war on Britain in 1812 EXCEPT:
a) The British captured twice as many American trading ships as the French
b) Impressment
c) The desire to claim British land
d) The burning of DC

The following location was a battlefield located in Perrysburg, Ohio that served as a supply depot and staging area from the invasion of the British and Native Americans in Canada.
a) Fort Meigs
b) Fallen Timbers
c) Put-in-Bay
d) Tippecanoe

All of the following are reasons why the War of 1812 was considered an illogical war EXCEPT:
a) The Americans defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans
b) It was named for one year but lasted three
c) The man cause of the war was resolved before the war started.
d) The most famous battle was fought after the treaty was signed.

Thomas Jefferson and Congress passed this law in order to attempt to hut British commerce and stop the impressment of American sailors:
a) Embargo Act
b) Bill of Rights
c) Naturalization Act
d) Neutral Act

Young Republicans from the South and West, like Henry Clay and John Calhoun, who pressured President Madison to declare war on Britain were known as:
a) War Hawks
b) Soldiers
c) Generals
d) Peacemakers

This American Naval Commander destroyed the British naval forces on Lake Erie:
a) Oliver Hazard Perry
b) Andrew Jackson
c) William H. Harrison
d) William Hull

Which of the following correctly sequences the events from earliest to latest?
a) Impressment, War of 1812, Treaty of Ghent, Battle of New Orleans
b) Battle of New Orleans, Impressment, War of 1812, Treaty of Ghent
c) Treaty of Ghent, War of 1812, Impressment, Battle of New Orleans
d) War of 1812, Impressment, Treaty of Ghent, Battle of New Orleans

The Lewis and clark expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory had a major effect on American History. Which of the following was the MOST important achievement of the expedition?
a) The Western frontier to the Pacific Ocean became mapped and known
b) A permanent route to CA was opened
c) A close friendship with the Shoshone Indians was developed
d) Oregon and Washington became the possessions of the US.

A nation not involved in a conflict had these rights:
a) Neutral Rights
b) Foreign Rights
c) Territorial Rights
d) Alien Rights

This man built a strong confederacy among Native Americans in the Northwest Territory. He was killed during the War of 1812 in the Battle of the Thames:
a) Tecumseh
b) Tripoli
c) Blue Jacket
d) The Prophet

This French man had plans for empires in Europe and the Americas:
a) Zubulon-Pike
b) Napoleon Bonaparte
c) Aaron Burr
d) Toussaint-Louverture

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