Just For Fun 1 Question Preview (ID: 61658)

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Which big cat is the largest
a) tiger
b) panther
c) house cat
d) cougar

Which planet is the largest
a) Earth
b) Jupiter
c) Mars
d) Pluto

Which U.S. state is famous for Hollywood
a) Florida
b) New York
c) California
d) Texas

What type of fish is Nemo?
a) a goldfish
b) a shark
c) a sailfish
d) a clownfish

What color are the spots on a ladybug?
a) black
b) blue
c) red
d) purple

Which ocean is the largest?
a) the Atlantic
b) the Pacific
c) the Indian
d) the Arctic

What do I need to make guacamole?
a) tomato
b) cheese
c) avacado
d) mango

Which company makes the most chocolate in the U.S.?
a) Harbo
b) Snickers
c) Mars
d) Hershey's

How many colors are in the rainbow?
a) 7
b) 6
c) 5
d) 8

Which American state is the largest?
a) North Carolina
b) Alaska
c) Texas
d) California

Who was the first Disney Princess?
a) Tinker Bell
b) Sleeping Beauty
c) Snow White
d) Cinderella

Which planet has the most gravity?
a) Jupiter
b) Mercury
c) Pluto
d) Neptune

Which continent is the largest?
a) Europe
b) Australia
c) Asia
d) Africa

What is the name of the longest river in the world?
a) The Colorado
b) The Ohio
c) The Mississippe
d) The Nile

What color are the stars on the American Flag?
a) white
b) blue
c) red
d) yellow

How many days are in a year?
a) 365
b) 465
c) 52
d) 31

Which fruit do you need to make raisins?
a) grapes
b) prunes
c) plums
d) strawberries

How many sides are on an octagon
a) 8
b) 6
c) 5
d) 7

Which bone is the human body is the largest?
a) the skull
b) the arm bone
c) the thigh bone
d) the shin bone

Which bird mimics humans?
a) a parrot
b) an owl
c) a cardinal
d) a mockingbird

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