Weather And Climate Question Preview (ID: 61634)

Reviewing Weather, Climate And Their Factors. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following are the two main factors that determine climate?
a) precipitation and humidity
b) temperature and air pressure
c) temperature and precipitation
d) wind conditions and humidity

Aurora records the following observations: It rained on Monday. It was sunny on Tuesday. It rained again on Wednesday. What is Aurora recording?
a) observations of the climate
b) observations of the weather
c) observations of both weather and climate
d) observations of neither weather or climate

Which term refers to the atmospheric conditions of a certain place at a certain time?
a) dew point
b) humidity
c) water cycle
d) weather

What is a front?
a) A boundary between two air masses with different densities and usually different temperatures
b) A boundary between two air masses with the same temperatures
c) A region where there are severe thunderstorms
d) An area where a tropical storm is likely to form

What are usually the most dangerous part of a hurricane?
a) floods
b) storm surge
c) landslides
d) wind

Which best describes why latitudes closer to the equator have warmer climates?
a) Latitudes closer to the equator are at lower elevations than latitudes away from the equator.
b) Latitudes closer to the equator receive more solar energy than latitudes away from the equator.
c) Latitudes closer to the equator are nearer to ocean currents than latitudes away from the equator.
d) Latitudes closer to the equator get more wind carrying energy in the form of heat than latitudes away from the equator.

A high-pressure system tends to bring bright, sunny days. What happens in a high-pressure system?
a) The air rises and absorbs moisture.
b) The air rises and warms the atmosphere
c) The air sinks and cools the land by causing precipitation.
d) The air sinks and prevents clouds from forming and precipitation from falling.

The jet stream usually stays too far north to affect Florida’s weather. What is the jet stream?
a) the spinning of the air in the same direction as Earth’s rotation
b) the spinning of the air in the opposite direction of Earth’s rotation
c) the movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure
d) a narrow band of strong winds that blow in the upper region of the atmosphere

Which statement best explains why weather systems usually move from west to east across the United States?
a) Weather systems originate over the Pacific Ocean and move east.
b) The jet stream flows from west to east.
c) Pressure systems form over the Rocky Mountains and move east.
d) Fronts move from west to east.

An air mass from the Gulf of Mexico, moving north into New York State, has a high relative humidity. What other characteristics will it probably have?
a) Cool temperatures and high pressure
b) Cool temperatures and low pressure
c) Warm temperatures and high pressure
d) Warm temperatures and low pressure

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