Classification Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 61624)

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Reproduction that requires two parents. Offspring will have traits from both parents.
a) Sexual Reproduction
b) Asexual Reproduction

An organism that lacks a nucleus and membrane bound organelles.
a) Prokaryotic
b) Eukaryotic
c) Autotrophic
d) Heterotrophic

An organism made up of more than one cell.
a) Multicellular
b) Unicellular
c) Autotrophic
d) Heterotrophic

Classification into which living organisms are grouped in Linnaean taxonomy.
a) Kingdom
b) Domain
c) Taxonomy
d) Classification

Organisms that get their energy from other organisms.
a) Heterotrophic
b) Autotrophic
c) Prokaryotic
d) Eukaryotic

An organism adapted to living in conditions of extreme temperature, pressure, or chemical concentration, as in highly acidic or salty environments.
a) Extremophile
b) Bacteria
c) Protista
d) Fungi

Organisms with a nucleus and membrane bound organelles.
a) Prokaryotic
b) Eukaryotic
c) Heterotrophic
d) Unicellular

Three main categories of organisms.
a) Domains
b) Kingdoms
c) Taxonomy
d) Classification

Grouping of organisms into categories based on characteristics or traits.
a) Classification
b) Taxonomy
c) Kingdom
d) Domain

Organisms that make their own food by using energy from the Sun.
a) Autotrophic
b) Heterotrophic
c) Unicellular
d) Multicellular

Reproduction in which a single parent makes offspring that are identical to the parent.
a) Sexual Reproduction
b) Asexual Reproduction

The study of the classification of organisms.
a) Taxonomy
b) Classification
c) Kingdom
d) Domian

An organism made up of only one cell.
a) Unicellular
b) Multicellular
c) Prokaryotic
d) Eukaryotic

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