Spring Exam 40 Questions Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 61621)

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When the Roman Empire fell Europe entered what period
a) European Age
b) Dark Ages
c) Roman Collapse
d) Goth Ages

The Roman roads used this material which is why they are still around today.
a) Bronze
b) Gold
c) Concrete
d) Tar

What did Octavian change his name to when he took over Rome?
a) King
b) Leonardo
c) Octavian the Great
d) Augustus

Latin is the basis for which modern language?
a) French
b) Italian
c) Spanish
d) All of these

What economic issue devalued the coins in Rome?
a) deflation
b) bear markets
c) inflation
d) trickle down economics

Who was the first Emperor to accept Christianity?
a) Marcus Aurelius
b) Tiberius
c) Constantine
d) Caesar

When Romans overthrew their Etruscan king they set up what type of government?
a) Dictatorship
b) Republic
c) Communist State
d) Caesar

Who fought with Rome in the Punic Wars
a) Celts
b) Goths
c) Egyptians
d) Carthage

When there was an emergency who took over Rome?
a) Dictator
b) Tribune
c) Patricians
d) Consul

Which is in correct chronological order?
a) 998 A.D, 843 AD, 234 AD, 45 AD
b) 34 AD, 77 AD, 93 BC, 345 AD
c) 45 AD, 99 AD, 55 AD, 100 AD
d) 34 AD, 66 AD, 345 AD, 746 AD

Who was killed on the Ides of March (march 15th)
a) Pompey
b) Caesar
c) Antony
d) Alexander the Great

This group of people were usually farmers, merchants, workers and artisans in Rome
a) Patricians
b) Plebeians
c) Consuls
d) Latins

These people study fossils and artifacts to understand the past.
a) Anthropologists
b) Archeologist
c) Historians
d) Astronomer

People who study and write about humans in the past are called
a) historians
b) astronomers
c) nomads
d) anthropologists

What sea separated Europe from Africa
a) Red
b) North
c) Mediterranean
d) Ural

An empire that lasted from 108 BC to 20 AD lasted how long?
a) 28 years
b) 88 years
c) 93 years
d) 128 years

Scribes and Artisans are and example of what trait of a civilizations?
a) advanced technology
b) specialized workers
c) advanced cities
d) complex institutions

Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, China, India are all in what continent?
a) Asia
b) Africa
c) Europe
d) America

Italy, France, Spain, England are in what continent?
a) Asia
b) Africa
c) Europe
d) America

What was the long time of peace in Rome called?
a) Pax Romana
b) Roman Empire
c) Hagia Sofia
d) Nueva Roma

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