Spring Exam 40 Questions Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 61620)

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Main occupation of the knight?
a) teacher
b) warrior
c) poet
d) farmer

Charlemagne believed in what for all his people?
a) Education
b) Equality
c) Religion
d) Freedom

Second stage of Knighthood?
a) Squire
b) Knight
c) Apprentice
d) Page

The red cape in the knighting ceremony means what?
a) blood
b) fire
c) death
d) danger

What architectural structure helps the cathedral walls stand? (outside of building)
a) pointed arch
b) stain glass windows
c) flying buttress
d) bricks

Which group of people did the Catholic church persecute?
a) Serfs
b) Muslims
c) Jews
d) Both Jews and Muslims

Who is the head of the Catholic Church?
a) Bishop
b) King
c) Minster
d) Pope

What happened to the Frankish empire after Charlemagnes death?
a) His sons and grandsons grew the Empire
b) Invaders turned away from Empire
c) Divided into 3 parts
d) All of these

Why are the seas and rivers of Europe important?
a) Invading other land
b) Trade
c) Religious conversions
d) Combining kingdoms

Germanic people that settled in France
a) Celts
b) Saxons
c) Angles
d) Franks

The majority of people in the 1st Crusade were
a) Knights
b) Lords
c) Peasants
d) Kids

The Black Death started in
a) Europe
b) Africa
c) Asia
d) America

What was King John forced to sign by the nobles?
a) Magna Carta
b) Constitution
c) Peace treaty
d) Declaration of Independence

How many people died due to the Black Death?
a) 40
b) 4000
c) 400000
d) 40 Million

This culture in Mexico sacrificed over 20000 people each year
a) Aztec
b) Mayan
c) Inca
d) Anasazi

This culture in South America used Llamas and built suspension bridges
a) Aztec
b) Mayan
c) Inca
d) Anasazi

This diseases killed more Native Americans than the Spanish military?
a) Smallpox
b) Cancer
c) Mumps
d) Flu

What is the style name for the cathedrals?
a) Italian
b) Gothic
c) Romanesque
d) Persian

B.C. means?
a) British Cambodia
b) Before Christ
c) British Columbia
d) Before Christianity

A.D. means?
a) After Death
b) Anto Diamino
c) Anno Domini
d) Always Dead

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