2023 SOL Tests Review Question Preview (ID: 61614)

SOL Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why have only 27 amendments been added to the Constitution of the United States in more than 200 years?
a) The process of adding amendments is very complex
b) National laws limit the number of amendments
c) Changes in society are too small to require amendments
d) The courts strike down many amendments

A citizen can help ensure the rights of an accused person by-
a) serving on a jury
b) serving in the military
c) paying an income tax
d) obeying the state law

Which branch of government has the power to declare Virginia laws unconstitutional?
a) State judicial branch
b) State executive branch
c) Federal executive branch
d) Federal legislative branch

In which court case did the United States Supreme Court established the power of judicial review?
a) Marbury v. Madison
b) Brown v. Board of Education
c) Plessy v Ferguson
d) Dred Scott v. Sanford

The principle of federalism gives governmental power to-
a) the national and state governments
b) the county and local governments
c) a powerful state government
d) a strong confederate government

The power of local Virginia governments are granted directly by the -
a) Constitution of Virginia
b) Constitution of the United States
c) United States Attorney General
d) Virginia Circuit Court

In a criminal case, a jury determines-
a) whether someone is guilty of breaking the law
b) whether a person's plea deal can be accepted
c) the best way to settle a disagreement between two people
d) how much money one person needs to pay another person

How are implied powers most often used by the United States Congress?
a) To help carry out expressed powers
b) To encourage citizens to vote
c) To force the executive branch to sign new legislation
d) To give the government veto powers

Which is an example of a proprietorship?
a) Edward owns a restaurant. He is responsible for all of the restaurant's debts.
b) Juan and Phillip own a bookstore. They are both responsible for the bookstore's debts.
c) Roberta owns stock in a steel company. She receives a portion of the company's profits.
d) Janet and Miriam own a flower shop. They share equally in the shop's profits.

Which action represents a way the federal government can promote business competition?
a) Prohibiting monopolies
b) Regulating investors
c) Punishing polluters
d) Enforcing tariffs

Simon is accused of not paying federal income taxes. Which court would have original jurisdiction to hear his case?
a) Federal District Court
b) Circuit Court

Julie, who is 16, is accused of truancy (missing too much school without appropriate excuse). Which court would have original jurisdiction to hear her case?
a) Virginia Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court
b) Federal District Court

Which of the following is the court of FINAL appeal?
a) U.S. Supreme Court
b) U.S. District Court

Which of the following is an example of a CRIMINAL case?
a) Jamika is arrested following suspicion that she robbed the 7-11 last week
b) Jody sues Franklin for chopping down her favorite cherry tree.

Which of the following represents a CIVIL case?
a) Louis is suing her neighbor because of the damage their dog has done to her yard.
b) Hamilton Somerville is found dead by poisoning

Which of the following amendments to the Constitution protects citizens from unfair actions made by the federal government?
a) 5th Amendment
b) 19th Amendment

In the middle of 2020, the shelves of countless stores remained empty, especially the toilet paper isle. This is an example of...
a) Scarcity
b) Production

Which of following determines what will be produced?
a) Consumer preferences and available resources
b) Consumer rights and responsibilities

Where on a scale from least to most does each economy type fall? Command Economy
a) Total Government Control
b) Minimal Government Control

Where on a scale from least to most does each economy type fall? Free-market Economy
a) Minimal Government Control
b) Total Government Control

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