Unit 11 Question Preview (ID: 61612)

Texas History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In the court case of Sweatt V Painter, what college's law school was in question?
a) Baylor University
b) Texas AM University
c) Texas Tech University
d) University of Texas

What was the Supreme Court's ruling in the lawsuit of Plessy V Ferguson?
a) Democratic Party in Texas could not deny a person the right to vote in primary elections.
b) The University of Texas Law school for black students was not equal.
c) Racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional.
d) Separate but equal was constitutional.

Groups such as the NAACP, CORE, and the G.I. Forum used lawsuits and nonviolent protests to -
a) establish bilingual schools.
b) challenge segregation and fight for equal rights.
c) elect women to public office.
d) support strikes and other forms of protest for labor unions.

Which Texan is noted for years of service as a judge in the state of Texas and was the first Hispanic appointed to statewide office in Texas?
a) James A. Baker, III
b) Raul A. Gonzalez, Jr.
c) Barbara Jordan
d) Raymond L. Telles

Which Texan was the first African American from a southern state to serve in the U.S. Congress after her service in the Texas State Senate?
a) Olveta Culp Hobby
b) Kay Bailey Hutchinson
c) Barbara Jordon
d) Ann Richards

Which of the following is a civic responsibility of Texas citizens?
a) To serve on a jury
b) To enlist in the military
c) To obtain a driver's license
d) To shop at local businesses

How did the Texas Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of the press contribute to advancing the Civil Rights Movement in Texas?
a) It allowed civil rights leaders a place to publish opinion polls.
b) It provided advertising for struggling civil rights organizations.
c) It helped to create job opportunities for minorities at news stations.
d) It informed the public about issues and events related to the movement.

What do the Texas Women's Suffrage Movement, League of United Latin American Citizens, and the Texas Equal Suffrage Association have in common?
a) equal rights under the law
b) end the production and sale of alcohol
c) limit monopolies
d) organize labor unions

Which civil rights leader and native Texan formed the Committee of Racial Equality (CORE) and worked to bring an end to racial segregation in the United States through nonviolent actions like the Freedom Rides?
a) Hector P. Garcia
b) Medgar Evers
c) Martin Luther King, Jr.
d) James Farmer, Jr.

Which goal was the original mission of the League of United Latin American Citizens?
a) Support the rights of Spanish-speaking people
b) Argue for new laws that improve factory conditions
c) Campaign for the elimination of immigration quotas
d) Improve relations with nations of Central and South America

How do the actions of Hector Garcia characterize the age of Civil Rights and Conservatism?
a) His long service as leader of the Republican Party in Texas led to an expansion of conservatism in government.
b) His introduction of numerous education bills to Congress led to expanded educational opportunities for minorities.
c) His actions as the U.S. Postmaster General led to greater diversity and recognition of ethnic groups and women on stamps
d) His founding of the American G.I. Forum led to expanded rights and liberties for Hispanic Americans.

Which law passed during Johnson’s administration made it illegal to charge a fee or make people take a literacy test in order to vote?
a) Economic Opportunity Act
b) Volunteers in Service to America
c) Elementary and Secondary Education Act
d) Voting Rights Act

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