Ch 10, Life Science, Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 61607)

Controlling Body Processes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

THe ___ gland regulates the blood's calcium levels.
a) parathyroid
b) thyroid
c) thymus
d) hypothalamus

The ___ produces insulin and glucagon, which control the blood's glucose levels
a) pancreas
b) pituitary gland
c) testes
d) ovaries

Which two glands work together to control many body activities?
a) hypothalamus and pituitary
b) thyroid and thymus
c) pancreas and pituitary
d) hypothalamus and parathyroid

When does a zygote turn into an embryo?
a) when it divides into two cells
b) after 8 weeks
c) when it is born
d) after it has attached to the uterus

Which is NOT true of the tesets
a) urine is produced here
b) sperm is produced here
c) testosterone is produced here
d) they are located in the scrotum

Fertilization usually occurs in
a) a Fallopian tube
b) an ovary
c) the uterus
d) the vagina

The uterus develops a thick lining in order to
a) prepare for a fertilized egg
b) produce an egg
c) feed sperm
d) prevent sperm from entering

The menstrual cycle takes about
a) 28 days
b) 35 days
c) 21 days
d) 14 days

An embryo becomes a fetus
a) at the end of the eighth week
b) once it divides into 2 cells
c) when it attaches to the uterus
d) when the heart starts beating

The amniotic sac's job is to
a) cushion and protect the embryo/fetus
b) exchange materials with the mother
c) get rid of waste
d) keep the baby warm

During labor,
a) the cervix opens until it is large enough for the baby to fit through
b) the baby is pushed out of the vagina
c) the placenta is pushed out of the vagina
d) the uterus prepares for a fertilized egg

Identical twins come from
a) a sperm fertilizing a single egg
b) two sperm fertilizing two eggs
c) one sperm fertilizing two eggs
d) none of the above

___ controls the development of adult male characteristics
a) testosterone
b) estrogen
c) progesterone
d) adrenaline

Which is true about semen?
a) it provides an environment where sperm can swim and nutrients for energy
b) it leaves through a tube called the uterus
c) it is a combination of fluid mixed with egg cells
d) all of the above

Which is not part of the female reproductive system?
a) urethra
b) uterus
c) ovary
d) cervix

How often are eggs released?
a) once a month
b) twice a month
c) every week
d) they are constantly being released daily

An unfertilized egg will
a) break down in the uterus and leave through the vagina
b) go back to the ovary to try again next month
c) stay in the uterus until it is fertilized
d) become a zygote by itself

The blood of the fetus and the mother do not mix.
a) true
b) false

A fetus is connected to the placenta by the
a) umbilical cord
b) amniotic sac
c) zygote
d) urethra

The last stage of childbirth is
a) afterbirth
b) delivery
c) labor
d) placenta

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