Ch 10, Life Science Question Preview (ID: 61606)

Controlling Body Processes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The endocrine system acts on the body through chemical products called
a) hormones
b) blood and saliva
c) sugars
d) target cells

A change or signal in the environment that can make an organism react is called a(n)
a) stimulus
b) impulse
c) reaction
d) response

What happens during delivery?
a) The baby is pushed out of the uterus through the vagina
b) Muscle contractions push the placenta out of the mother's body
c) The lining of the uterus thickens in preparation for the arrival of a zygote
d) A zygote with the proper number of chromosomes is formed

Sound waves travel through the ear where they are converted to vibrations. The vibrations are then converted into
a) nerve impulses
b) a reflex action
c) neurons
d) receptors

The ___ is composed of the nerves of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.
a) peripheral nervous system
b) central nervous system
c) involuntary nervous system
d) voluntary nervous system

The endocrine system controls the amount of hormones in your bloodstream by a process known as
a) negative feedback
b) positive feedback
c) negative impulse
d) positive impulse

Your nervous system
a) all of the above
b) receives info about what is happening inside and outside the body
c) directs how your body responds to info
d) helps maintain homeostasis

The nucleus of a neuron is found in its
a) cell body
b) dendrite
c) axon
d) myelin

The neuron that sends an impulse to a muscle or gland, enabling it to respond, is a
a) motor neuron
b) sensory neuron
c) interneuron
d) axon

Which is NOT true about synapses?
a) it is where cell bodies of two neurons overlap
b) There is a gap between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another
c) electrical impulses are changed to chemical impulses
d) neurons transfer impulses here

The control center of the central nervous system is the
a) brain
b) spinal cord
c) peripheral nerves
d) neurons

The ___ controls your body's involuntary actions, like breathing and heart beat
a) brain stem
b) cerebrum
c) cerebellum
d) frontal cortex

What protects the brain from injury?
a) all of the above
b) the skull
c) layers of connective tissue
d) fluid

The ___ nervous system controls involuntary actions like digesting food.
a) autonomic
b) somatic
c) supersonic
d) hydromatic

The lens focuses light rays onto the ___,
a) retina
b) cornea
c) iris
d) pupil

Which is not a main taste sensation?
a) metallic
b) bitter
c) umami
d) salty

Sound waves hit the ____ and are converted to vibrations.
a) ear drum
b) cochlea
c) anvil
d) hammer

Touch receptors are found
a) in all areas of your skin
b) in the arms and legs only
c) only in the fingertips
d) only in hands

Which system causes longer-lasting effects?
a) endocrine
b) nervous

Hormones travel in the blood until they find their
a) target cells
b) organ
c) gland
d) duct

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