Circulatory System Question Preview (ID: 61594)

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What type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart?
a) vein
b) artery
c) capillaries
d) none of the above

What is the difference between the types of blood vessels?
a) veins- carry blood back to the heart; arteries- connect veins and arteries; capillaries- take blood away from the heart
b) capillaries- carry blood back to the heart; arteries- connect veins and arteries; veins- take blood away from the heart
c) veins- carry blood back to the heart; capillaries- connect veins and arteries; arteries- take blood away from the heart
d) none of of the above

What are the parts of blood?
a) red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma
b) red blood cells
c) white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets
d) none of the above

What are the chambers of the heart that pump the blood?
a) atrium
b) ventricles
c) septum
d) pacemaker

What part of the heart receives the blood?
a) atrium
b) ventricles
c) septum
d) pacemaker

The human heart has ___________ chambers.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

The ___________________ carry the oxygen.
a) platelets
b) red blood cells
c) white blood cells
d) none of the above

Which is the correct match up?
a) red blood cell- fights infection
b) white blood cell- carries oxygen
c) platelets- the liquid part of blood
d) none of the above

Which organ is responsible for pumping the blood throughout the body?
a) blood
b) blood vessels
c) heart
d) lungs

The circulatory system is important because...
a) the messages sent to the brain through the spinal cord
b) the bones protect the body from injury
c) the oxygen is converted within the alveoli to create carbon dioxide
d) the gasses, nutrients, hormones and wastes are transported throughout the body

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