MBLEx Practice 3 Question Preview (ID: 61591)

Massage. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Brachioradialis inserts onto which part of the radius?
a) Radial tuberosity
b) Interosseous border
c) Styloid process
d) Head

All of the following are types of leukocytes except?
a) Thrombocytes
b) Neutrophil
c) Lymphocyte
d) Basophils

Muscle involved with adduction of the hip?
a) Biceps femoris
b) Adductor fermoris
c) Sartorius
d) Adductor longus

a) Allow transport of blood cells throughout the body
b) Are also called neutrophils and perform phagocytosis
c) Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body
d) Produce thrombi at an area of trauma

If an independent contractor makes less than $600 in a year, they are not required to file what form?
a) 1099
b) If you make less than $1000 a year as an independent contractor you don't need to file taxes
c) 1040
d) Independent contractor must report all income as taxable, even if it is less than $600

Application of hot on the skin can have what result on blood vessels?
a) Vassoconstriction
b) Vassodialation
c) Vassoradialis
d) Tightening

The interphalangeal joints can perform which actions?
a) Flexion and extension
b) Protraction and retraction
c) Rotation
d) Adduction and abduction

If left untreated, septicemia may result in?
a) Fertility issues
b) Death
c) Malignancey
d) New blood formation

***Ancient massage technique involving kneading, tapotement, friction, popping the digits, and perfume?
a) Amma
b) Shiatsu
c) Tsubo
d) Tshanpau

Which two structures form the hip joint?
a) Head of humerus and glenoid fossa
b) Head of humerus and acromion process
c) Head of femur and acetabulum
d) Head of femur and obturator foramen

Contraction of the middle fibers of the trapezius result in?
a) Elevation
b) Protraction
c) Retraction
d) Depression

There are seven vertebrae in which region of the vertebral column?
a) Thoracic
b) Coccygeal
c) Lumbar
d) Cervical

***The Swedish Movement Cure was introduced to the US in?
a) 1858
b) 1797
c) 1820
d) 1900

Gliding movements performed during a massage?
a) Effleurage
b) Tapotement
c) Petrissage
d) Friction

The phrenic nerve emerges from the?
a) Neck
b) Lumbar
c) Chest
d) Brain

Stratum granulosum lies directly superficial to?
a) Stratum corneum
b) Stratum spinosum
c) Stratum lucidum
d) Stratum basal

Extension of the thumb can be accomplished by contraction of which muscle?
a) Flexor hallucis longus
b) Extensor pollicis longus
c) Extensor hallucis longus
d) Flexor pollicis longus

Where is a saddle joint located?
a) Ankle
b) Thumb
c) Knee
d) Elbow

Antagonist to the rhomboids, responsible for abduction of the scapula?
a) Pectoralis major
b) Upper fibers of the trapezius
c) Serratus anterior
d) Latissimus dorsi

Most superior portion of the sternum?
a) Clavical
b) Manubrium
c) Costal cartilage
d) Xiphoid process

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