MBLEx Practice 2 Question Preview (ID: 61590)

Massage. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Keeping a client's information private and protected
a) Ethics
b) Self-disclosure
c) Transference
d) Confidentiality

Stoppage of a range of motion due to certain factors is known as?
a) Resistance
b) Static stretch
c) End feel
d) Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

Muscles originating on the spinous processes of C7-T5
a) Levator scapulae
b) Serratus aanteriior
c) Trapezius
d) Rhomboids

The socket of the hip is also called the?
a) Iliac crest
b) Obturator foramen
c) Ischial tuberosity
d) Acetabulum

**Gradual degeneration of parts of the adrenal glands?
a) Cushing Disease
b) Adrenal hyperplasia
c) Graves Disease
d) Addison's Disease

a) Massage therapist obtaining more than one certification
b) Massage therapist and client both benefit from session
c) Is not good in business
d) License/certification being valid in another area or state

Which of the following organs is responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D?
a) Skin
b) Liver
c) Kidneys
d) All of the above

T lymphocytes are produced by which gland?
a) Thalamus
b) Pineal
c) Thymus
d) Pituitary

Friction techniques?
a) Strokes that move across tissue, used to break up adhesions
b) Light gliding strokes towards the heart, used to increase circulation
c) Light gliding strokes toward the heart, used to increase circulation and apply lubrication
d) Percussion strokes, used to stimulate muscle spindle cells

A massage table which is controlled by motors to adjust the height is called?
a) Pressurized
b) Portable
c) Adjustable
d) Hydraulic

The following is obtained after completing educational requirements and passing the exam?
a) Scope of practice
b) Certification
c) License
d) Insurance

Subacute osteoarthritis is considered?
a) A local contraindication
b) An absolute contraindication
c) Not a contraindication
d) An endagerment site

Percussion strokes, used to loosen phlegm in the respiratory tract and activate muscle spindle cells?
a) Friction
b) Effleurage
c) Tapotement
d) Petrissage

Achilles tendonitis can be by a strain to the?
a) Patellar tendon
b) Calcaneal tendon
c) Ischial tuberosity tendon
d) Pes anserinus

Decrease in oxygen traveling throughout the body?
a) Hyperplasia
b) Hyprplasia
c) Hypoglycemia
d) Hypoxia

Active joint movement?
a) Therapist moves a client joint without help from client
b) Client resist a movement being performed by the therapist
c) Client moves the joint through its ROM without assistance
d) Client moves the joint with assistance from therapist

***Structural realignment therapy working on muscles and fascia over the course of ten sessions?
a) Rolfing
b) Trager Method
c) Myofascial Release
d) Feldenkrais Method

An active stretch?
a) Therapist streches the client with assistance from client
b) Client stretches into resistance without help
c) Client stretches into resistance with help
d) Therapist stretches the client with no assistance from client

Shoulder flexion, elbow flexion, and forearm supination are all performed by which muscle?
a) Biceps Brachii
b) Coracobrachialis
c) Brachialis
d) Brachioradialis

Function of red blood cells?
a) Fight diseases and eat dead cells
b) Clot to prevent hemorrhage
c) Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
d) Transport blood cells throughout the body

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