MBLEx Practice 1 Question Preview (ID: 61589)

Massage. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The sympathetic nervous system is also revered to as?
a) Fight or Flight
b) Housekeeping
c) Rest and Digest
d) Central

A hair follicle contains which portion of a strand of hair?
a) Arrector pili
b) Medullary cavity
c) Root
d) Shaft

Structure located on the proximal shaft of the humerus?
a) Bicipital Groove
b) Radial Fossa
c) Capitlium
d) Trochlea

Client has lower back pain due to hypertonic psoas major while in the supine position, where do you place bolster?
a) Under the ankles
b) Under the knees
c) Under the hips
d) Between the legs

The most common form of papilloma?
a) Cyst
b) Acne
c) Psoriasis
d) Wart

A second degree burn is considered?
a) An absolute contraindication
b) An endangerment site
c) A local contraindication
d) Not a contraindication

Perirenal adipose is found surrounding the?
a) Bladder
b) Rectum
c) Liver
d) Kidneys

What is an Aneurysm?
a) Bulge in artery wall, caused by a weakened artery due to a condition
b) Inflammation of a vein due to trauma, resulting in blood clot formation
c) Ischemia in the myocardium due to blockage in the cornary arteries
d) Blood clot in the blood stream becoming lodged in the heart, lungs, or brain

***Polarity therapy was developed by?
a) Ida Rolf
b) Per Henrik Ling
c) Randolph Stone
d) Johan Mezger

The most common substance used in body scrubs is?
a) Sugar
b) Salt
c) Ground Coffee
d) Powdered Milk

Large bony structures located at the proximal end of the humerus?
a) Deltoid tuberosity and olecranon fossa
b) Trochlea and capittulum
c) Greater and lesser tubercles
d) Medial and lateral epicondyles

Muscle responsible for intentional blinking?
a) Orbicularis oculi
b) Orbicularis oris
c) Temoralis
d) Frontalis

The 2nd cervical vertebrae is also known as?
a) Axis
b) Occiput
c) Atlas
d) Temporal

Mastication is more commonly known as?
a) Sneezing
b) Swallowing
c) Defecating
d) Chewing

The pulmonary arteries carry blood from the right ventricle to the?
a) Aorta
b) Lungs
c) Rest of the body
d) Left Atrium

What action can cells in the peripheral NS perform that cells in the central NS cannot.
a) Regenerate
b) Produce neurotransmitters
c) Communicate with one another
d) All of the above

The esophagus passes through the following structure on its way to the stomach?
a) Diaphragm
b) Peritoneum
c) Pericardium
d) Liver

Universal precautions
a) Being aware of poor body mechanics
b) Controlling infectious agents to prevent the spread of disease
c) Preventing injuries to the client due to faulty equipment
d) Understanding contraindications for massage therapy

Localized ischemia can be produced by application of which massage stroke?
a) Vibration
b) Friction
c) Effleurage
d) Petrissage

The ankle joint is composed of ?
a) Talus and calcaneus
b) Tibia and fibula
c) Talus and fibula
d) Tibia, talus, and fibula

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