Middle Ages Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 61587)
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A man who devoted his life to God and the Catholic Church
a) Monk
b) Nun
c) Lady
d) Lord
A woman who devoted her life to God and the Catholic Church
a) Nun
b) Monk
c) Lord
d) Lady
Community where monks studied, prayed, and lived
a) Monestary
b) Convent
c) Church
d) Temple
Community where nuns studied, prayed, and lived.
a) Convent
b) Monastary
c) Church
d) Temple
People who teach a religion to people with different beliefs.
a) Missionary
b) Traveler
c) Church Leader
d) Priest
A king or queen who is the supreme ruler.
a) Monarch
b) Ruler
c) Emperor
d) Crown
A poor person who lives and farms on the land.
a) Serf
b) Slave
c) Bondsman
d) Merchant
Warriors trained to fight on horseback.
a) Knight
b) Horseman
c) Cavalier
d) Equestrian
A code of behavior that knights had to follow (strong faith, generosity, bravery, stand up for injustice, respect women)
a) Chivalry
b) Code of manner
c) Courtly Code
d) Knights Code
A group of people united by a common interest.
a) Guild
b) Union
c) Society
d) Association
A wealthy landowner
a) Lord
b) Chief
c) Leader
d) Captain
A woman of noble birth
a) Lady
b) Lass
c) Countess
d) Gal
The system of protection and loyalty in Medieval Europe
a) Feudalism
b) Caste System
c) Social Class
d) Society Order
A way to manage feudal lands; there were four parts: the manor house, farmland, meadowland, and wasteland.
a) Manor System
b) Manorialism
c) Housing System
d) Manor Life
A rotating system of fields in which one field grows wheat, one grows oats, and one stays unplanted.
a) 3-Field-Rotation
b) Crop Rotation
c) Crop Revolving
d) Agriculture Rotation
A young noble boy who was responsible for waiting on the lord.
a) Page
b) Squire
c) Errand Boy
d) Bellhop
A noble boy who is training to be a knight.
a) Squire
b) Page
c) Steward
d) Equerry
The rapid spread of a disease over a wide area
a) Epidemic
b) Pandemic
c) Outbreak
d) Plague
A very aggressive epidemic caused by a bacteria carried by rodents.
a) Bubonic Plague
b) Yersinia Pestis Bacterium
c) Yellow Fever
d) Scarlett Fever
One of the oldest and most important land routes from Europe through Asia
a) Silk Road
b) Route #66
c) Amber Road
d) Royal Road
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