India; 4th 9-weeks Question Preview (ID: 61576)
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Which of the following is not directly listed in our notes to be a factor in the Scramble for Africa.
a) Economics
b) Social Factors
c) Religion
d) Politics
Europe's desire for which of the following was the main cause of military conflicts and organized African resistance to European imperialism?
a) Free Trade
b) Religious Autonomy
c) Government Oversight
d) Bureaucracy
In 1857, the ___________, or Indian soldiers, revolted against the British East India Company.
a) Sepoys
b) Guerreiro
c) Krieger
d) Warsaw
Great Britain depended on these to be used in their factories.
a) Manufactured Goods
b) Imports
c) Finished Goods
d) Raw Materials
Which of the following basically ruled India in 1757?
a) Indian National Congress
b) West Indies Company
c) East India Company
d) Muslim League
The Sepoy Rebellion was sparked because of the use of these in British goods.
a) Sheep Goats
b) Pigs Cows
c) Chicken Fish
d) Cows Goats
Main motivator (similar to British motivator to colonize a century before) that brought Indians together to fight against the way they were being treated.
a) Imperialism
b) Constitutionalism
c) Colonialism
d) Nationalism
Colonization changed ____________ in both India and Great Britain.
a) Language
b) Culture
c) Food
d) Transportation
This Indian leader believed in non-violent protest, and his methods were extremely effective.
a) Mother Teresa
b) Gandhi
c) Martin Luther
d) Jean Calvin
Believed in working the constitutional structures to weaken it form within.
a) Pro-Changers
b) No-Changers
c) Reformist
d) Elite
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