La Vie Contemporaine - Les Voyages Question Preview (ID: 61570)

Vocab AP French. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

la carte d'embarquement
a) boarding pass
b) required ID
c) banking card
d) customs clearance card

la consigne
a) consignment shop
b) claims department
c) baggage lockers
d) the advisor

a) ascension
b) heaven
c) handicap access
d) elevator

la voie
a) train track
b) road
c) vail
d) vision

a) to attack
b) to fasten/ attach
c) to remove stains
d) to attain

a) to unstick
b) to revolt
c) to revolve
d) to take off

a) to adhere
b) to land
c) to attract
d) to take off

a) to get off the plane
b) to take off
c) to land
d) to disqualify

la douane
a) control tower
b) customs
c) exit
d) security check

à l'étranger
a) strangers
b) abroad
c) international flight
d) bizarre

a) satisfying
b) gratifying
c) guilty
d) free of charge

le couloir
a) claims department
b) stairs
c) counter
d) hallway

au bout
a) about
b) enough
c) at the end
d) at the beginning

le vol
a) flight
b) thief
c) vision
d) confusion

le quai
a) train ticket
b) ticket counter
c) train track
d) train platform

le comptoir
a) train track
b) check in counter
c) hallway
d) platform

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