EDU211 Review! Question Preview (ID: 61567)

In This Quiz We Will Go Over Many Random Questions All Throughout The Chapter That May Show Up On Our Final Exam. Good Luck! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is FAPE?
a) It is part of the Individuals with Disabilities Act that protects every person's right to Free and Appropriate Public Educati
b) Its a new kind of vape.
c) No clue!
d) It is part of the Individuals with Diabetes Act that protects every person's right to Free and Appropriate Food Portions.

What is a child's natural envirenment?
a) In the woods.
b) Where that child spends most of their time.
c) Where that child likes to go to the most.
d) Where that child goes on vacation.

What are 2 barriers to family involvement?
a) Time Constraints and Religious Expectations.
b) Time Constraints and Gender Expectations.
c) Time Constraints and Cultural Expectations.
d) Divorce and The Mistress's Tooth Brush.

What is Atypical Motor Development?
a) When a child is not meeting the usual milestones of motor growth for kids their age.
b) When a child is not meeting the milestones of motor growth their parents want them to reach.
c) When a child cannot read at the same pace of other children their age.
d) When a child cannot get Dad to fix the Motor in the lawn mower.

What is aided AAC?
a) Aided AAC just needs to replace the second A with a B.
b) Aided AAC is not important.
c) Aided AAC is communication that requires sign language and gesturing.
d) Aided AAC is any communication that requires tools besides the human body.

What is dyscalculia?
a) This is when someone has difficulty associating a value or quantity to a symbol such as a number.
b) Its the first one.
c) I already told you the answer.

What are the three types of ADHD?
a) Unfocused, Hyperaware, Combined.
b) In detention, Hyper on Sugar, Combed Hair.
c) Inattention, Hyperactive, Combined.
d) Unflattering, Hipster and the Affair, Calm Beard.

What is the first and often most effective treatment of ADHD?
a) Behavioral Therapy.
b) Medication.
c) Couples Therapy.
d) Natural Oils.

What is a Developmental Language Delay?
a) A difficulty learning to talk and understand language. Above 17% of the population is affected by this disorder.
b) A difficulty learning to talk and understand language. Above 7% of the population is affected by this disorder.
c) A difficulty learning to talk and understand Klingon language.
d) A difficulty learning to write and understand reading.

What are the two clinical categories that we break Autism Spectrum Disorder into to help us intervene appropriately?
a) Social Communication Impairment AND Repetitive or Refracting Behaviors.
b) Its defiantly the first one!
d) Social Communication Impairment AND Repetitive or Restrictive Behaviors.

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