Design Process Question Preview (ID: 61554)

The Design Process Is Used By Inventors And Innovators To Create And Refine Products And Services. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the 3rd step of the design process?
a) Reflect about the design of the object.
b) Evaluate the solution
c) Brainstorm possible solutions
d) Improve the design of the object

What is the second step in the design process?
a) Draw a technical drawing of the chosen object
b) debate the four designs
c) list design constraints
d) develop a solution

Which of these is part of clearly identifying the problem?
a) Build an item
b) Research the problem
c) Brainstorm possible solutions
d) Generate concepts

What is the first step in the design process?
a) Decide if the problem is worth solving
b) identify the problem
c) produce a mock-up
d) decide which object to build

A constraint has which of the following
a) restrictions
b) options
c) unlimited ideas
d) no time frame

An improvement of an existing technological product, system or method of doing something.
a) innovation
b) invention

Which is a problem statement?
a) I wish I had a car
b) I am always hungry before lunch.
c) Design a modern shopping cart

Generating a large quantity of ideas for a solution to a problem.
a) implementation
b) constraining
c) brainstorming

In which step of the Design Process is a formal presentation to the client created/
a) present the solution
b) construct and test prototype
c) evaluate solution

The first step in the design process is
a) identify the problem
b) prototype
c) iterate
d) generate concepts

Design sketches help you to ____ your idea.
a) develop
b) compare
c) share
d) all of these

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