EOC Review #1 Question Preview (ID: 61552)
Covers Colonization.
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Which region in the colonies had the most subsistence farms?
a) New England
b) Southern
c) Middle
d) Caribbean
The policy of not enforcing laws in the colonies was known as
a) religious freedom
b) parliamentary sovereignty
c) salutary neglect
d) joint-stock rule
Which region of the colonies was founded mostly by families who were seeking religious freedom?
a) Middle
b) New England
c) Caribbean
d) Southern
What was the name for large farms that grew only one crop? Slaves were used as workers on these farms.
a) granges
b) plantations
c) subsistence farms
d) ranches
These people believed that land should be shared; wanted the settlers to stop stealing their food and to end warfare
a) Wampanoag
b) English
c) Spanish
d) Powhatan
What was the name for a religious movement that swept through the colonies in the 1730s and 1740s led to the creation of new kinds of Christian churches (Baptists, Methodists, etc.)
a) the Great Awakening
b) Revial Road Tour
c) the Protestant Reformation
d) the Great Schism
What was the name for laws that restricted trade by the English colonies; could only trade with England on English ships; some products could only be sold to England
a) Corn Laws
b) Navigation Acts
c) Declaratory Acts
d) Sugar Act
What was the name for an economic policy where countries tried to increase their wealth by exporting more than they imported (country with most gold wins)?
a) mercantilism
b) global free-trade
c) protectivism
d) joint-stock companies
What was the term for John Winthrop's desire for Massachusetts Bay Colony to be a Puritan model society based on Christian principles?
a) free-love community
b) utopia
c) Puritan Perfection
d) city on a hill
Which colonies were middle colonies?
a) Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
b) Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia
c) New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey
d) New Hampshire, South Carolina, Maryland, and Delaware
What was the name for a group of English separatists who moved to the Plymouth Colony seeking religious freedom?
a) Puritans
b) Pilgrims
c) Quakers
d) Salzburgers
What was the name of the colony founded by Puritans for religious freedom?
a) Georgia
b) Plymouth
c) Pennsylvania
d) Massachusetts Bay
What was an indentured servant?
a) a person who paid for their ticket/passage to America by working from 4-7 years as a servant
b) a person who escaped slavery in the south and worked in the north
c) a servant with a physical disability that prevented them from being strong
d) someone who worked for no pay on a plantation in the south
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