Polygon Review Question Preview (ID: 61548)

Review Chapter 7 On Polygons. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A trapezoid with congruent legs is an:
a) isosceles trapezoid
b) isosceles triangle
c) parallelogram
d) polygon

A quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides is a:
a) triangle
b) square
c) trapezoid
d) rhombus

A closed geometric figure made up of at least three line segments is a:
a) circle
b) square
c) polygon
d) rhombus

A parallelogram with four right angles and four congruent sides is a:
a) rhombus
b) triangle
c) trapezoid
d) square

A parallelogram with four right angles is a:
a) square
b) rectangle
c) rhombus
d) parallelogram

A parallelogram with four right angles is a:
a) square
b) rectangle
c) rhombus
d) parallelogram

A special quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel is a:
a) square
b) rhombus
c) parallelogram
d) rectangle

A polygon with all congruent angles and congruent sides is a:
a) irregular polygon
b) regular polygon
c) strange polygon
d) normal polygon

Name a polygon with 8 sides
a) quadrillateral
b) hexagon
c) heptagon
d) octagon

Name a 7-sided figure:
a) triangle
b) hexagon
c) heptagon
d) nonagon

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