Review Questions Question Preview (ID: 61543)
A Review Of Previously Covered Words.
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What word means to make a short stop?
a) paws
b) pause
c) pass
d) break
What word means - if - ?
a) whether
b) weather
c) wheat
d) however
What word is a type of fruit ?
a) pier
b) pair
c) pear
d) pepper
What word means a medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms?
a) pain killer
b) sedative
c) medicine
d) antibiotic
Something that is used to clean hospitals and kill germs.
a) soap
b) detergent
c) antiseptic
d) shampoo
A famous person's signature
a) souvenir
b) autograph
c) memento
d) cheque
A person who studies fossil animals and plants.
a) paleontologist
b) archaeologist
c) ecologist
d) astronomer
A type of rock that is formed by the accumulation or deposition of mineral or organic particles at Earth's surface
a) pebble
b) Sedimentary rock
c) Ash
d) igneous rocks
A deep, narrow gorge with steep sides.
a) ravine
b) canyon
c) cave
d) mountain
A person who owns or rents a small piece of land and grows crops, keeps animals, etc. on it.
a) knight
b) citizen
c) peasant
d) nobleman
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