Ecclesiastes Review Question Preview (ID: 61542)

Review Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who is the most likely author of the book?
a) David
b) Saul
c) Solomon
d) Moses

The book of Ecclesiastes is part of what kind Biblical literature/books?
a) Historical
b) Wisdom
c) Prophetic
d) Law

It is most likely that Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes
a) in his old age
b) in his youth
c) during adulthood/maturity
d) at 21 years of age

The Book of Ecclesiastes was written in:
a) Aramaic
b) Greek
c) Romanian
d) Hebrew/Jewish style

The Book of Ecclesiastes is organized as a:
a) Story
b) PhD. Dissertation
c) Letter
d) Book of Law

What is the context of the book of Ecclesiastes?
a) What has been, it is what will be
b) Humilty
c) Life under the sun is vanity
d) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom

What is the thesis/theme of the book of Ecclessiastes:
a) The wise will live forever
b) What is worth doing under the sun
c) Vanity! Evertyhing is vanity!
d) There is a time for everything

What is the main methodology Solomon uses in his research?
a) Correlation
b) Longitudinal
c) Surveying
d) The process of elimination

What made Solomon the most likely author of the book of Ecclesiastes?
a) He was the only one that had the resources to sponsor such a research
b) He was assigned to do it by his Father
c) He was the most powerful man that ever existed
d) His name is mentioned in the book

Which of the following is not a mentioned RESOURCE used to conduct the author's research:
a) Wisdom
b) Entertainment
c) Rest
d) Overindulgence

Stupidity is naturally _________________ and has no limits
a) Constant
b) Progressive
c) Temporary
d) Good

'For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under the sun' - This indicates that:
a) There is no pattern to life
b) Life and its events are completely random
c) There is no perfect timing
d) There is a Divine Order

God works and His work needs no alterations or corrections. He does so, so that:
a) We may believe in Him
b) We obey Him
c) We may fear before Him
d) We trust Him

God's will for you and me is:
a) Hidden
b) Uncertain
c) Up to us
d) Perfect

Solomon's use of 'better this than that' indicates that:
a) There is a perfect solution in an imperfect world
b) There is no perfect solution in an imperfect world
c) We always need to find the best solution before we make a decision
d) There is no such thing as good solution

Ch. 6 talks about things that are a definite 'No' under the sun; An example of something that is NEVER a good idea is:
a) Be quick with your mouth
b) Guard your steps as you go to the house of God
c) Approach to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools
d) Use few words

'Sorrow is better than laughter, For when a face is sad a heart may be happy' - This is an example of an:
a) Hyperbole
b) Simile
c) Methaphor
d) Oximoron

The strongest man in the Bible (Samson) and the wisest man in the Bible (Solomon) were brought down by:
a) Greed
b) Pride
c) Men
d) Women

Rebelling against any authority that God placed over me is equal with me rebelling against God
a) Maybe
b) False
c) True
d) I don't know

According to Ecclesiastes 8:11 'the hearts of the sons of mankind ... are fully given to do evil' because
a) God doesn't care about our suffering
b) Evil always prevails
c) God is forgiving
d) God in His grace doesn't always take immediate action against our sin

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