Chapter 11 Question Preview (ID: 61528)

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___ is a group of people who are related by marriage, blood, or adoption and who often live together and share economic resources
a) kinship
b) family
c) ethnic group
d) ethnicity

The _____ is the most universal social institution
a) family
b) economy
c) school
d) church

One or both parents and their children
a) family of orientation
b) family of procreation
c) nuclear family
d) extended family

When a person marries, a new nuclear family is formed called a
a) family of orientation
b) family of procreation
c) nuclear family
d) extended family

Two or more generations
a) family of orientation
b) family of procreation
c) nuclear family
d) extended family

The nuclear family into which the person is born or adopted
a) family of orientation
b) family of procreation
c) nuclear family
d) extended family

Great-grandparents, great-grandchildren, great-aunts, great-uncles, and cousins
a) primary relatives
b) kinship
c) secondary relatives
d) Tertiary relatives

Mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, daughter, son
a) primary relatives
b) kinship
c) secondary relatives
d) tertiary relatives

Grandparents, grandchildren, in-laws, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews
a) primary relatives
b) kinship
c) secondary relatives
d) tertiary relatives

A network of people who are related by marriage, birth, or adoption
a) primary relatives
b) secondary relatives
c) kinship
d) tertiary relatives

The marriage of one man to one woman
a) polygamy
b) polygyny
c) polyandry
d) monogamy

Multiple marriage partners
a) Polygamy
b) monogomy
c) monogomous
d) polytheism

One man and multiple women (most common form of polygamy
a) polygamy
b) monogamy
c) polygyny
d) polyandry

One woman and multiple men
a) polygamy
b) monogomy
c) polygyny
d) polyandry

Father holds most of the authority
a) Matriarchy
b) Patriarchy
c) Egailtarian
d) Masculinity

Mother and father share authority
a) Matriarchy
b) Patriarchy
c) Egalitarian
d) Equilibrium

Mother holds most of the authority
a) Matruarchy
b) Patriarchy
c) Egilitarian
d) Femininity

Which is not a function 
of every family?
a) regulation of sexual activity
b) reproduction
c) socialization
d) entertainment

marriage between individuals who have different social characteristics
a) homogamy
b) heterogamy
c) heterosexual
d) homosexual

most U.S. families begin with courtship and end in
a) dating
b) divorce
c) marriage
d) socialization

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