Liv Env Regents Review Question Preview (ID: 61521)
Liv Environment Regents Review.
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The term DNA is short for
a) Ribonucleic acid
b) Drag Net Auto
c) Do Not Agree
d) Deoxyribonucleic acid
The term RNA means
a) Deoxyribonucleic acid
b) Rinse Not Air
c) Ribonucleic acid
d) Ribosome
The cell organelle in which proteins are made
a) chloroplast
b) ribosome
c) mitochondria
d) nucleus
This organelle contains the most DNA
a) ribosome
b) mitochondria
c) cytoplasm
d) nucleus
The basic monomer of a nucleic acid
a) amino acid
b) fatty acid
c) nucleotide
d) glucose sugar
Proteins are polymers made of
a) nucleotides
b) amino acids
c) ribose sugars
d) fatty acids
A DNA nucleotide contains
a) deoxyribose sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous base
b) ribose sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous base
c) deoxyribose sugar, protein group, nitrogenous base
d) glucose sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous base
Guanine is a
a) protein
b) amino acid
c) sugar
d) nitrogenous base
The sides of a DNA molecule are made of
a) deoxyribose sugar and amino acid
b) ribose sugar and phosphate group
c) deoxyribose sugar and phosphate group
d) ribose sugar and phosphate group
Adenine base pairs with
a) Guanine
b) Thymine
c) Cytosine
d) Purine
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