Vocab Project 3 Question Preview (ID: 61426)
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what of measuring degrees always involves pie
a) fundamental
b) radian
c) prime
d) median
big enough change to notice
a) exponential growth and decay
b) appreciable
c) advocate
d) prime
something you must do to do other things
a) fundamental
b) prime
c) mode
d) austere
numbers that can only be divided by 1 and themselves
a) advocate
b) radian
c) root
d) prime
super strict
a) dwindling
b) austere
c) allude
d) prime
fastest rate of growth or decay
a) Exponential Growth and decay
b) in terms of
c) domain and range
d) elated
to gradually decrease
a) exponential growth and decay
b) prime
c) bleak
d) dwindling
middle number in a set of numbers
a) mode
b) mean
c) median
d) absurd
speak for someone who cant speak for themselves
a) absurd
b) advocate
c) appreciable
d) allude
most common number in a set
a) mode
b) mean
c) median
d) prime
looking for something negative
a) ornate
b) rational
c) disdain
d) denounce
telling you what variable it wants in the equation
a) in terms of
b) domain and range
c) prime
d) radian
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