Don't Sell Fruits You Are Watching Question Preview (ID: 61403)

A Shomer Is Watching Fruit And They Are Spoiling He Should Not Sell Them. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

why should a שומר not sell the fruit?
a) maybe the owner made it into תרומה and מעשר
b) its not the שומר's fruit, so he has no right to sell it

why should a שומר not sell the fruit?
a) we don't care if it will spoil
b) a person prefers on of his own more than 9 of his friend

תרומה is eaten by?
a) ישראל
b) לוי
c) כהן
d) none of the above

food that has been fixed and can now be eaten by everyone is called
a) חולין
b) מעשר
c) טבל
d) תרומה

Fruit that grows in Israel may not be eaten. It is called?
a) חולין
b) תרומה
c) טבל
d) מעשר

רבי יוחן says:
a) you never sell the fruit no matter what
b) if the fruit is spoiling more than normal you sell it right away

if you have fruit that is תרומה and you need to sell them you should:
a) sell them for very cheep
b) sell them to a כהן
c) you can never sell them

is it common for fruit to spoil?
a) yes
b) no
c) מחלוקת

when we say a person prefers one of his own over nine of his friends,
a) we meant it literally
b) we were exaggerating

how much is מעשר?
a) 10%
b) 5%
c) 1/40
d) 1/50

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