Hitching A Ride Comprehension Questions Question Preview (ID: 61399)

After Reading The Designated Section Of The Text, Hitching A Ride, Answer The Review Questions To See What You Remember From The Reading. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the word remora means as seen in the text?
a) A fish that attaches itself to ocean animals such as sharks and riding on them.
b) A type of shark
c) A fish that sharks eat
d) A plant in the ocean

What does the word invention mean as seen in the text?
a) A camera that rides on ocean animals
b) A new product that someone has created
c) A type of fish in the ocean
d) The ocean that the diver was swimming in

What is the purpose of the CritterCam?
a) A camera to take to the zoo
b) A camera that takes care of your dog
c) A camera that animals can use to take pictures of humans
d) A camera that rides on an ocean animal so that scientists and researchers can study the animal

What inspired Greg to invent the CritterCam?
a) Greg was diving and found a camera
b) As he was diving, a shark swam past with a remora fish attached to it, Greg decided to make a CritterCam
c) Greg saw another diver with a camera
d) Greg went to the zoo and saw his favorite animal, a shark

What does the word attach mean from the text?
a) To hold something
b) A type of fish
c) To connect to something
d) What a remora eats

What does the word record mean?
a) To film an event
b) A grade report
c) A big CD that plays music
d) A type of fish that Greg saw

Which of these is NOT a good comprehension strategy?
a) Rereading the text
b) Using context clues while reading the text
c) Making predictions while reading
d) Guessing on what the text means

What is a prototype?
a) The invention that goes into a store
b) A type of invention
c) The very first model of an invention

Why is it important to study ocean animals?
a) So that we can have them as pets
b) To know if they are in danger, and so that we can see how they live and survive
c) To hunt and fish them

What does it mean to dive in the ocean like Greg?
a) To jump off of a diving board
b) To swim in the ocean
c) To swim in the ocean using scuba gear to look at animals
d) To jump and scare the fish away

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