Reading Review 501 Question Preview (ID: 61376)

Comprehension For Lexile 501. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A shark can smell fish from miles away. Sharks have a great sense of smell. Sharks can feel movement in the water. The animal's senses are
a) slow
b) strong
c) final
d) deep

The nurse walked quickly to the elevator and got on. Bonnie noticed she was wearing a white cap and a white dress but her shoes were brown. There was something wrong with her.......
a) hair
b) clothes
c) car
d) hat

It was easy to get mixed up. Wilbur found Hank and his group. Wilbur never forgot and teased Hank about it. Hank's group got.....
a) tired
b) sad
c) hungry
d) lost

Suggestions are ideas. Workers can make suggestions. They can suggest ways of saving money. They can suggest ways of doing jobs faster. Suggestions are..
a) strange
b) silly
c) helpful
d) terrible

I looked closely at all the pictures. I picked two and rushed over to the writers. They're waiting on the photos to help them write a story. The photos are......
a) funny
b) important
c) lost
d) old

Her smile was bright like the sun. Her cheeks were a deep pink from the cold outside. She was wearing beautiful clothes. She was....
a) shy
b) lovely
c) hungry
d) smart

Recently Blackbeard's pirate ship was found. The stories about Blackbeard say that he left his crew behind and took all of his gold. Blackbeard _________ his crew
a) admired
b) forgave
c) desserted
d) taught

I started walking down the street with Mack. He wasn't paying attention to the traffic. I made him hold my hand. I wanted to be.....
a) silly
b) quick
c) wrong
d) careful

The temperature was 95 degrees. Harry was running down the street. He felt like there was not air and his head was spinning. Harry was....
a) wild
b) tall
c) dizzy
d) angry

She felt tempted to get up but she was too comfortable. She picked up her book and started reading again. She was.....
a) relaxing
b) worrying
c) talking
d) exercising

Toby K stood behind the desk. He was the owner of the Space Motel. When a customer came in Toby smiled. Toby was....
a) friendly
b) funny
c) lucky
d) silly

What are you looking at? Just give me a piece of pie and get out of here. Jack grabbed the pie and left. Jack was.....
a) brave
b) rude
c) tall
d) lucky

There were a few cars on the road. Then a gray truck with two men inside roared up behind them. The driver honked his horn. The two men were in a.....
a) winning
b) hurry
c) testing
d) filming

Jiwon wore his brown boots. He said it was going to be cold outside. Jiwon's boots make him feel...
a) ugly
b) warm
c) tall
d) strange

The first camera was simple. It used light to take a photo. Today even phones have cameras. They take...
a) pictures
b) letters
c) water
d) food

Some cities have trains. They help people get places fast. People don't have to drive or buy gas. Trains make things...
a) easy
b) tiny
c) heavy
d) pretty

She walked towards the bus and said you'll have to take a raincheck on the milkshake. I have a babysitting job. See you tomorrow. She had other......
a) stories
b) pets
c) plans
d) bikes

Did you know that the White House has 132 rooms? The housekeeping staff keeps them all clean. The staff work on the outside too. The staff is.....
a) quiet
b) busy
c) polite
d) full

I took everything out of my pockets. I had two pieces of gum and a cough drop. I also had some coins. I had more than two dollars in change. I had _______ in my pockets
a) cookies
b) money
c) flowers
d) ice

Mancala is the world's oldest game. In the game you must try to collect as many objects as you can. This is how you.....
a) paint
b) dance
c) sing
d) win

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