Propaganda Techniques Question Preview (ID: 61365)

Test Your Knowledge Propaganda Lingo. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A message designed to persuade its intended audience to think, believe, or behave in a certain manner. Sometimes false or misleading, propaganda is often used by mass media advertising outlets to sway its viewers.
a) propaganda
b) bandwagon
c) glittering generalities
d) loaded language

Appealing to the emotions or feelings of the audience; evoking a strong positive or negative attitude toward a person, group, or idea.
a) bandwagon
b) propaganda
c) appeal to emotions
d) repetition

Encouraging people to think or act a certain way because other people are doing it.
a) bandwagon
b) transfer
c) testimonial
d) glittering generalities

Manipulating information by omitting facts and presenting only the good information about a product, idea, candidate, etc.
a) glittering gernalities
b) card stacking
c) transfer
d) name-calling

Use of vague words or phrases to evoke powerful emotions (without conveying information). Links a person or idea to a positive symbol.
a) glittering generalities
b) card stacking
c) testimonial
d) loaded language

words with positive or negative connotations that stir readers’ feelings
a) loaded language
b) glittering generalities
c) repetition
d) transfer

attaching a negative symbol or attribute to the competition in order to create a negative opinion
a) name-calling
b) card stacking
c) bandwagon
d) testimonial

The speaker presents himself as a regular person (“average Joe”) and can understand the audience’s feelings and concerns
a) plain folks
b) bandwagon
c) transfer
d) appeal to emotion

repeating a power statement or word to emphasize or bring attention to the word or statement
a) repetition
b) loaded language
c) plain folks
d) glittering generalities

using a famous person to endorse a product
a) testimonial
b) transfer
c) loaded language
d) name-calling

making a product or idea seem better or worse because it is associated with something that already gives us positive or negative feelings (picturing them together in an ad).
a) transfer
b) name-calling
c) appeal to emotion
d) plain folks

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