Oceans 4.7 Question Preview (ID: 61362)

Oceanography. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The continental _______ is the flat shallow part of the ocean floor near the continent.
a) trench
b) shelf
c) slope
d) rise

There are MANY living things above the continental shelf because __________ is able to reach all the way to the ocean floor.
a) air
b) bubbles
c) sunlight
d) moonlight

The continental ______ is the steep drop-off to the very deep part of the ocean.
a) slope
b) rise
c) shelf
d) crust

The continental _____ is the accumulation of material at the bottom of the continental slope due to landslides
a) slope
b) shelf
c) rise
d) mountains

The _______ _____ is the vast, deep, and flat part of the ocean floor.
a) lower depths
b) tidal wave
c) ocean trench
d) abyssal plain

Ocean ______ occur at convergent plate boundaries. These are the very deepest parts of the ocean
a) plains
b) sink-holes
c) mid-ocean ridges
d) trenches

Most of the ocean floor is covered in layers of sand, mud, and rock called __________
a) rocks
b) sludge
c) sediment
d) trenches

Ocean water has a lot of ________ dissolved in it
a) hydrogen
b) tea
c) sugar
d) salt

________ refers to how salty the ocean water is
a) broodish
b) salinity
c) incline
d) diverge

Along with salt, ocean water has a lot of _________ gases it it, like oxygen
a) seeped
b) broken
c) liquified
d) dissolved

Many marine organisms depend on dissolved ______ for their survival
a) gases
b) solids
c) liquids
d) plasmas

The salinity of ocean water depends on several factors, including how fast water is __________
a) boiling
b) subliming
c) condensing
d) evaporating

Ocean ________ are the river-like movement of water in the ocean
a) turtles
b) winds
c) icebergs
d) currents

____-patterns are greatly responsible for ocean currents
a) Cloud
b) Geometric
c) Wind
d) Sand

The ____ ______ current is a warm water current that crosses the Atlantic ocean
a) Deep Pacific
b) East Australia
c) Gulf Stream
d) Great Alaska

Ocean currents are good at _____ ocean water from different areas and different depths
a) mixing
b) contaminating
c) separating
d) boiling

In the ocean, plants and floating ______ serve as the producers in the food chain
a) carnivores
b) mushrooms
c) algae
d) bacteria

Both plant-like and animal-like floating organisms in the ocean are called:
a) spongebob
b) mr. crabs
c) squidward
d) plankton

Besides plankton, their are also swimming organisms, and organisms that ______, or are connected, to the ocean floor
a) diverge
b) converge
c) adhere
d) split

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