U.S. History - Unit 11 (SSUSH23d) Question Preview (ID: 61356)

The Election Of 2008. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following was NOT a major issue during the Election of 2008?
a) the end of the Cold War
b) the weakening economy
c) the War on Terrorism
d) ####

Before the summer of 2008, most Americans believed the Democratic nominee for president would be...
a) Hillary Clinton
b) John McCain
c) Mitt Romney
d) George H.W. Bush

Barack Obama's election as president because...
a) he was the first biracial president
b) he was the first president not born in the U.S.
c) he was the first president who was unmarried
d) ####

Barack Obama's Republican opponent in the Election of 2008 was...
a) Senator John McCain
b) Al Gore
c) Hillary Clinton
d) Mitt Romney

Which of the following is TRUE?
a) John McCain was a Vietnam War POW.
b) John McCain was a former vice-president.
c) John McCain was the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.
d) ####

How many terms did Barack Obama serve as president?
a) two terms
b) one term
c) ###
d) ####

Barack Obama was in office when...
a) Osama bin Laden was killed
b) Bill Clinton was impeached
c) over 60 Americans were held hostage in Iran
d) the Soviet Union collapsed

What platform did Barack Obama use to secure the Democratic nomination for president?
a) 'Hope and Change'
b) 'Back to the Future'
c) 'A New Era'
d) 'Time for an Evolution'

Barack Obama graduated from...
a) Harvard
b) Yale
c) Princeton
d) the University of Hawaii

Which of the following is TRUE about Barack Obama's parents?
a) His mother was from Kansas; his father was from Kenya
b) His mother was from Hawaii; his father was from Algeria
c) His mother was from Zimbabwe; his father was from Nebraska
d) His mother was from Tanzania; his father was from Illinois

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