U.S. History - Unit 11 (SSUSH23bc) Question Preview (ID: 61351)

Recent Economic Policies / Technological Advances Of The Late 20th Century. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The economic system of Reaganomics was named for:
a) Ronald Reagan
b) Jimmy Carter
c) George H.W. Bush
d) Bill Clinton

A basic principle of Reaganomics was:
a) if Americans had more money to spend, the economy would improve
b) if the government had more money to spend, the economy would improve
c) ###
d) ####

Due to the influence of Reaganomics, the 1980s saw:
a) a great improvement to the U.S. economy
b) no change in the U.S. economy
c) a huge recession in the U.S.
d) ####

The policy of Reaganomics led to:
a) economic troubles for George H.W. Bush
b) an increase in tension during the Cold War
c) the creation of the Federal Reserve
d) high inflation

Creating a balanced budget in the mid-1990s became an object of:
a) Bill Clinton
b) George W. Bush
c) Barack Obama
d) ####

Which president faced a huge economic crisis when taking office in January 2009?
a) Barack Obama
b) Donald Trump
c) George W. Bush
d) Bill Clinton

What was ENIAC?
a) the world's first computer
b) the first Internet service provider
c) the first home computer
d) the first social medium

The invention of the microprocessor...
a) expanded the capabilities of the computer
b) directly led to the creation of the Internet
c) eliminated usage of the typewriter
d) ####

The early Internet was developed around...
a) the 1980s
b) the 1960s
c) the 2000s
d) ####

As the Internet increased in popularity during the 1990s...
a) the home computer became more practical
b) the home computer became impractical
c) ###
d) ####

The development of e-mail...
a) transformed how people communicated
b) was disastrous for businesses
c) was only used in the business world
d) ####

Social media saw an explosion during...
a) the early 2000s
b) the mid-1990s
c) the late 1970s
d) ####

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