Differences Between North And South Question Preview (ID: 61346)

Differences Between The North And South That Will Lead To The Civil War. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The geography of the South supported the growing of cash crops in all of these ways EXCEPT
a) it had wide, fertile coastal plains.
b) it had access to seaports to export goods.
c) it had fast-moving rivers as a source of power.
d) it had plentiful rainfall and long growing seasons.

The economy in the South was based on which of these?
a) mining
b) banking
c) agriculture
d) shipbuilding

How were goods primarily transported in the South?
a) by air
b) by rail
c) by river
d) by road

By 1850, which of these was the MOST efficient way to move goods to the North?
a) by railroads
b) by steamboat
c) by canal boat
d) by stagecoach

Why were textile mills built near rivers?
a) Rivers provided power to operate the mills.
b) Rivers provided transportation for employees of the mills.
c) Textile mills were built near population centers.
d) Textile mills provided cloth for factories near the rivers.

Who were the political leaders in the South in the mid-19th century?
a) factory owners
b) wealthy plantations owners
c) religious leaders
d) educated lawyers

Which of these BEST describes the Industrial Revolution?
a) a conflict between factory owners in cities
b) a shift from handmade products to machine-made products
c) a decrease in immigrant labor and an increase in slave labor
d) a change from privately owned businesses to government-controlled businesess

Why would the South oppose laws to provide federal money for internal improvements, such as roads and canals?
a) They thought taxes would need to be raised.
b) They thought these improvements were dangerous.
c) They thought these improvements were unnecessary.
d) They thought these improvements would benefit only Northern states.

Unlike the North, why did Southerners invest little money in mills and factories?
a) They did not buy manufactured goods.
b) They put their money in land and slaves.
c) They thought mills and factories caused pollution.
d) They preferred the lifestyle of small family farmers.

Which of these is one reason that U.S. immigrants settled in the North?
a) It offered free land.
b) It offered jobs in mills and factories.
c) They were attracted by the good climate.
d) They were attracted by the railroad system.

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