Quiz 17: Can't We Just Get Along? Question Preview (ID: 61334)

Arm, Fen, Cide/cis. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a small American animal that lives underground and whose head and body are protected by a hard shell
a) armory
b) armada
c) armadillo
d) fender

a tool that is used for cutting paper, cloth, etc.
a) decide
b) incisors
c) scissors
d) insecticide

something that causes a person to be hurt, angry, or upset; a criminal act
a) armada
b) fender
c) defend
d) offense

a chemical substance that us used to kill insects
a) insecticide
b) scissors
c) incisor
d) decide

a large group of ships that is used for warfare
a) armory
b) armada
c) armadillo
d) scissors

a wheel cover that protects the vehicle from mud or rocks that the wheel might spray upward
a) offense
b) fender
c) defend
d) armada

a supply of weapons; a place where weapons are kept
a) offense
b) armadillo
c) armada
d) armory

a tooth that has a sharp edge for biting; one of the four front teeth of the upper or lower jaw
a) incisor
b) insecticide
c) scissors
d) decide

to fight in order to keep someone or something safe; to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy someone or something
a) offense
b) fender
c) defend
d) insecticide

to make a choice about something; to choose something after thinking about it
a) scissors
b) defend
c) incisor
d) decide

cut off, kill, briefly
a) cide/cis
b) fen
c) arm

army, weapon
a) cide/cis
b) fen
c) arm

a) arm
b) fen
c) cide/cis

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