Pronombres Personales Question Preview (ID: 61316)

Use The Correct Form Of The Subject Pronoun. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What would you use when addressing a friend from basketball practice?
a) usted
b) tú
c) ella
d) ustedes

What would you use when addressing your sisters?
a) ella
b) tú
c) usted
d) ellas

What would you use when addressing Mrs. Jones?
a) tú
b) ella
c) usted
d) ustedes

What would you use when talking about your yourself?
a) ella
b) yo
c) nosotras
d) ellas

What would you use when talking about yourself and another person?
a) yo
b) ustedes
c) vosotros
d) nosotros

What would you use when talking about Julia and Luis?
a) ellas
b) ellos
c) nosotras
d) nosotros

What would you use when addressing an elderly lady?
a) ella
b) tú
c) usted
d) yo

What would you use when addressing your friend, Marta?
a) ustedes
b) nosotros
c) ustedes
d) tú

What would you use when addressing Mr. Hough and Mrs. Hansen?
a) ellos
b) nosotros
c) ustedes
d) ellas

What would you use when talking about your teacher?
a) él
b) ella
c) usted
d) tú

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