Workshop 3 Part 2 Vocabulary Words Question Preview (ID: 61301)

Vocabulary Practice For Read 180 Workshop 3 Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) to create something using an existing idea
b) to cause someone to feel upset
c) happening now or in the present time
d) very concerned or upset

a) raised area that people stand on/speak from so they can be seen ore heard in a crowd
b) happening now or in the present time
c) to give up something you want so that you can get or achieve something more important
d) to join others in an activity

a) raised area that people stand on/speak from so they can be seen ore heard in a crowd
b) to create something using an existing idea
c) to make it possible for someone to do something
d) to be left over after other parts are used or destroyed

a) happening now or in the present time
b) to join others in an activity
c) an attempt to take control of a government/an organization through the use of protest/resistance
d) to cause someone to feel upset

a) to make it mandatory for someone to do something
b) to give up something you want so that you can get or achieve something more important
c) raised area that people stand on/speak from so they can be seen ore heard in a crowd
d) to cause someone to feel upset

a) to create something using an existing idea
b) to make it possible for someone to do something
c) happening now or in the present time
d) very concerned or upset

a) to create something using an existing idea
b) to cause someone to feel upset
c) happening now or in the present time
d) to give up something you want so that you can get or achieve something more important

a) to be left over after other parts are used or destroyed
b) very concerned or upset
c) to make it possible for someone to do something
d) to cause someone to feel upset

a) an attempt to take control of a government/an organization through the use of protest/resistance
b) to give up something you want so that you can get or achieve something more important
c) very concerned or upset
d) to make it mandatory for someone to do something

a) to create something using an existing idea
b) very concerned or upset
c) to join others in an activity
d) to make it possible for someone to do something

a) happening now or in the present time
b) raised area that people stand on/speak from so they can be seen ore heard in a crowd
c) to make it possible for someone to do something
d) to cause someone to feel upset

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