Fur Trade In The PNW Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 61297)

Washington State History Fur Trading In The PNW. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This largest fur trading company of all time was established when they merged with the Northwest Company.
a) Hudsons Bay Company
b) McDonald's Company
c) Walmart Company
d) Amazon Company

When a company has almost total control of all the businesses it is called...
a) a monopoly
b) stock
c) a corporation
d) Amazon

Manager of the Hudson Bay Co. Fort Vancouver became known as the father of Oregon mostly becuase...
a) he encouraged and helped establish settlements for people to move to Oregon Territory
b) he sold a lot of furs
c) he has so many kids himself
d) he came up with the Oregon Ducks and Oregon State Beavers mascots.

The first fur trading company made up of mostly American mountain men to trap the furs for trading was called...
a) Rocky Mountain Fur Co.
b) Hudson's Bay Co.
c) Pacific Fur Co.
d) Northwest Fur Co.

When traders came once or twice a year to a meeting place to trade their goods it is called a...
a) Rendezvous
b) Fair
c) Festival
d) Vacation

Which was not a result of the boom and bust of the fur trade in the early 1800's
a) Indigenous peoples were not affected at all
b) More and more white settlers moved to the west
c) Many animals were nearly extinct as a result of the trapping
d) Fur became less in demand as fashion changed.

What does a person who is a cartographer do?
a) makes maps
b) drives covered wagons
c) writes books about explorers
d) builds cars

Fur Trapper John Coulter first got his experience exploring with...?
a) Lewis and Clark Expedition
b) California Gold Rush Groups
c) Sir Francis Drake
d) Some gypsies up on Flowery Trail Pass by 49 Degrees North Ski Hill

How did Fur Trapper/Mountain Man John Coulter escape the Blackfeet Indians who were wanting him dead?
a) He outran them and snuck away to safety
b) He killed them all first
c) He lit them on fire
d) He took them to Taco Bell and they were happy

What was the cuase of injury to Hugh Glass, that put Jim Bridger and his friend in a bad predicament?
a) Grizzly Bear attack
b) Heart attack from too much Old Trapper Jerkey
c) Shot by a fellow mountain man
d) Crow Indian attack

Why was John Coulter's friend , John Potts, killed by the Blackfeet Indian Party while they were trapping?
a) Beavers were a sacred animal to the Blackfeet
b) Potts tried to flee the Blackfoot Captors in the kayak
c) He couldn't run away from the braves fast enough
d) He stole their Big Macs and Chicken McNuggets

Fur Trader/Mountain Man, Jim Bridger, had a guilty conscience why?
a) Because a man, Hugh Glass, they left behind to die, lived
b) He killed too many Crow Indians
c) He cheated on a test in school
d) He lied to his mommy and said he was going outside to play, then travelled west to work in the frontier

Jim Beckwourth was a fur trader, but how did he end up being a member of the Crow Tribe?
a) A crow woman claimed he is her son when they captured him
b) He sold them Big Macs so they took him in
c) He was forced to become a member becuase he was a prisoner
d) He never was a member of the Crow Tribe

How did Jim Beckwourth get out of the conflict in the saloon in St. Louis?
a) The sheriff step in and stopped the conflict
b) He ran away on his horse
c) He bought them Baja Freeze's and they drank those and were happy
d) His Crow brothers came to his rescue

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