Earth And Space Systems Question Preview (ID: 61282)

Earth, Sun, Moon Interactions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How long does it take the Earth to rotate once on its axis?
a) 24 hours
b) 365 days (1 year)
c) 1 month
d) 24 days

How long does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth?
a) 365 days (1 year)
b) 24 hours
c) 1 month
d) 24 days

How long does it take the Earth to revolve around the sun?
a) 1 month
b) 24 days
c) 24 hours
d) 365 days (1 year)

The amount of gravity an object has depends on its
a) shape
b) mass
c) luminosity
d) temperature

Which of the following causes day and night on Earth?
a) Earth rotating on its axis once every 24 hours
b) Earth revolving around the sun once every 365 days
c) The moon passing in front of the sun, and blocking it out
d) The sun being blocked by clouds at night.

Luminosity refers to
a) The brightness of a star compared to our moon
b) The brightness of a star compared to our sun.
c) The brightness of a star when viewed at night.
d) The brightness of a star when viewed during the day.

A planet with more mass than the Earth would have
a) less gravity
b) more gravity
c) the same amount of gravity
d) no gravity

A planet with LESS mass than the Earth would have
a) more gravity
b) the same amount of gravity
c) no gravity
d) less gravity

The reason we see different phases of the moon is because
a) The sun lights up different parts of the moon as the moon revolves around the Earth.
b) The moon rotates away from the sun, so only some sunlight reflects off it.
c) The sun rotates away from the moon, so only some sunlight reflects off it.
d) The moon shrinks and grows depending on what time of the month it is.

When the moon is in between the Earth and the sun, we see
a) a new moon
b) a full moon

When the Earth is in between the moon and the sun, we see
a) a new moon
b) a full moon

Which two things affect how bright stars appear to us on Earth?
a) The size of the star and the color of the star
b) The size of the star and the distance it is away from us
c) The distance a star is away from us, and the color of the star.
d) The size of the star and the shape of the star.

How long does it take for the moon to rotate once on its axis?
a) 24 hours
b) 365 days (1 year)
c) 1 month
d) 2 weeks

Which of the following is a STAR?
a) Earth
b) Moon
c) Sun
d) Jupiter

True or False? The sun changes position in our solar system.

True or False? The moon revolves around the Earth, while the Earth revolves around the sun.

The reason we can see the moon at night is because
a) The moon is a star.
b) The moon is reflecting the Earth's light back at us.
c) The moon is reflecting the Sun's light back at us.
d) The moon is battery operated.

Which phase of the moon would come next after a full moon?
a) A waxing gibbous
b) A waning crescent
c) A waning gibbous
d) A third quarter moon

A moon that is shrinking is considered a
a) waxing moon
b) waning moon

After a new moon, the moon is
a) waxing
b) waning

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