Indirect Questions Question Preview (ID: 61275)

Complete The Indirect Questions With The Correct Answer Choice. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Could you tell me how long ... to get there?
a) it takes
b) does it take
c) it take
d) do it takes

Could you tell me if ... ?
a) there is a dance studio nearby
b) is there a dance studio nearby
c) there is nearby a dance studio
d) a dance studio nearby is

Could you tell me whether ... any good restaurants near here?
a) there are
b) are there
c) there is
d) is there

Could you let me know ... the closest underground station is?
a) where
b) where's
c) where is
d) is where

Could you tell me ... I need to change trains in Kolkata?
a) if
b) do
c) does
d) did

Who can tell me ... ?
a) where the Pyramids of Giza are
b) where are the Pyramids of Giza
c) are where the Pyramids of Giza
d) where is the Pyramids of Giza

Can you tell me ... the train arrives in Zürich?
a) what time
b) what time does
c) how often
d) how long

I'd like to know ... buried.
a) where Abraham Lincoln is
b) where is Abraham Lincoln
c) Abraham Lincoln where is
d) Abraham Lincoln is where

Does anyone know ... assassinated?
a) why J.F. Kennedy was
b) why was J.F.Kennedy
c) J.F.Kennedy was why
d) J.F.Kennedy why was

Has anyone got any idea ... came from?
a) which country paper
b) which country does paper
c) country which paper
d) paper which country

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