U.S. History - Unit 10 (SSUSH21d) Question Preview (ID: 61265)

The Civil Rights Movement. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which civil rights organization grew out of the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott?
a) the SCLC
c) UFW
d) ####

The objective of the SCLC was to:
a) use non-violent protest
b) use violence to encourage changes
c) ###
d) ####

Which organization grew out of a sit-in protest in Greensboro, NC?
b) the SCLC
c) UFW
d) ####

SNCC was primarily made up of:
a) college students
b) professional adults
c) Caucasians
d) immigrants

Which of the following significant civil rights leaders was a member of the SCLC?
a) Martin Luther King, Jr.
b) Rosa Parks
c) Elijah Muhammad
d) Malcolm X

Martin Luther King's 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail' was in response to:
a) Alabama clergy
b) Southern Congressmen
c) the Supreme Court
d) the mayor of Birmingham

The March on Washington was held:
a) in support of JFK's civil rights legislations
b) for the United Farm Workers
c) in the winter of 1968
d) by U.S. Congressmen

The 'I Have a Dream' speech occurred:
a) in front of the Lincoln Memorial
b) inside the White House
c) in the U.S. Capitol
d) ####

The UFW organized:
a) farm workers
b) factory workers
c) entrepreneurs
d) business owners

Who was Cesar Chavez?
a) a leader in the UFW
b) a leader in SNCC
c) a leader in the SCLC
d) ####

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