Physical Science Question Preview (ID: 61242)

Electricity. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why is a dam wider at the bottom?
a) it's easier to build one that way
b) that's where the pressure is greatest
c) concrete is heavy
d) gravity

What is an example of direct current ?
a) a wall outlet
b) a campfire
c) a battery
d) lightning

Which is NOT true ?
a) electrons have a negative charge
b) protons have a positive charge
c) an atom's nucleus will have a negative charge
d) neutrons have no charge

If you walk across carpet and touch a doorknob you may get shocked.This would be from
a) direct current
b) the earth's magnetism
c) your body's electricity
d) static electricity

Which would Not be an insulator?
a) padded cloth
b) dry wood
c) water
d) rubber

Which is an example of alternating current ?
a) car battery
b) wall outlet plug in
c) flashlight battery
d) hearing aid battery

Which would protect a system from an electrical accident?
a) a fuse
b) a circuit breaker
c) insulators
d) All of these

Which would be the Best conductor of electricity ?
a) plastic
b) aluminum foil
c) a copper wire
d) air

Electric current is measured in
a) amps
b) volts
c) ohms
d) newtons

Birds are Not electrocuted on high voltage wires because they
a) are covered with feathers
b) are not touching anything but the wire they are sitting on
c) it is not raining
d) are not touching each other

Which is NOT true ?
a) electricity flows to the ground
b) lightning carries around 300 million volts
c) the resistance in all wires is the same
d) electricity is either AC or DC

The resistance in a wire is measured in
a) ohms
b) volts
c) amps
d) watts

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