Fahrenheit 451: Burning Bright Question Preview (ID: 61239)

These Questions Involve Part 3 Of Ray Bradbury's Novel Fahrenheit 451. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What ultimately happens To Captain Beatty?
a) He decides to help Montag.
b) Montag burns him with his flamethrower.
c) He runs away before Montag's house is burned.
d) He is killed by the Mechanical Hound.

Who are the men Montag encounters on the railroad?
a) Doctors and nurses
b) Former firemen and policemen
c) Professors and intellectuals
d) Lawyers and law makers

Granger believes that humans are like the phoenix because they can:
a) Never learn from their mistakes or errors.
b) Never be truly defeated because of their spirited nature.
c) Rise again after adversity or destruction.
d) All of the above

The Hound attacks and kills an innocent man instead of Montag because the authorities feel they need:
a) To make an example of someone.
b) Use someone as a scapegoat.
c) To punish society for Montag's actions.
d) All of the above.

The homeless men who Montag meets have made it their mission to:
a) Go after people who burn books
b) Preserve books by memorizing them
c) Steal any books left in the world
d) All of the above

Who or what pursues Montag when he flees his home?
a) The Mechanical Hound
b) Captain Beatty
c) The other firemen
d) The salamander

How does Faber help Montag when he flees the firemen?
a) Tells him to follow the railroad.
b) Gives him clothes.
c) Tells Montag to meet him in St. Louis
d) All of the above

Who reported Montag's book stash to the police?
a) Mildred
b) Captain Beatty
c) Clarisse
d) Faber

How is Granger's comment about mirrors symbolic?
a) It symbolizes the fragility of life.
b) It symbolizes humanity's needs to recognize its flaws.
c) It symbolizes the many years of bad luck humanity has faced.
d) It symbolizes an uncertain destiny.

Montag is important to the homeless men because:
a) He knows how to stop people from burning books.
b) He has the ability to change the world by negotiating with people.
c) He has a copy of some of the Bible stored in his mind.
d) All of the above

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