Plant Review Question Preview (ID: 61228)

Review For Plant Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What part of the flower attracts pollinators such as insects?
a) Petals
b) Sepals
c) Anthers
d) Stigma

When stomata are closed, no carbon dioxide can enter the plant. Which process will be affected?
a) Thigmotropism
b) Cellular respiration
c) Reproduction
d) Photsynthesis

Which of the following is true?
a) Stomata regulate the temperature of the plant.
b) Stomata regulate the amount of water lost by the plant.
c) Stomata bring in oxygen needed for photosynthesis.
d) Stomata allow the plant to release carbon dioxide.

If a plant is exposed to light, what gas bubbles will be released?

a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Water vapor
d) Methane

Which of the following is NOT true?
a) Xylem carries water.
b) Water vapor exits the stomata through transpiration.
c) Phloem carries water.
d) Flowers make gametes.

Minerals are often ions and move into roots by active transport. Minerals move into the root-
a) from high concentration to low concentration..
b) from low concentration to high concentration.
c) negative concentration to positive concentration.
d) all are correct

______ is moved _______ the phloem from the leaves to the roots.
a) Minerals, up
b) Oxygen, down
c) Sugar, down
d) Water, up

Chemicals that regulate growth, development and reproduction in plants are-
a) hormones.
b) receptors.
c) magic beans.
d) tropisms.

Which of the following is NOT true about roots?
a) Roots sweat or lose water vapor into the soil.
b) The roots absorb water.
c) Roots anchor the plant.
d) Tap roots can reach deeper water sources than fibrous roots.

How are minerals transported in a plant?
a) Minerals enter the leaves through the stomata, go down the stem to the roots.
b) Minerals enter the roots and move up to the shoot system through vascular tissues.
c) Minerals enter the root system and travel up the phloem to the leaves.
d) Minerals enter the flower and move down the stem to the roots.

How does a plant repair damage?
a) Cell division/Mitosis
b) Transpiration
c) Photosynthesis
d) With a bandaid

Why does a shoot system need to reach the light?
a) For reproduction
b) For homeostasis
c) For cellular respiration
d) For photosynthesis

A seed's roots sprout and grow downward. The seeds are not exposed to light. Which tropism best describes how the roots are able to respond and grow into soil?
a) Gravitropism
b) Phototropism
c) Thigmotropism
d) Hydrotropism

What process is happening in this picture?

a) Respiration
b) All are correct
c) Transpiration
d) Photosynthesis

How does an animal cell differ from a plant cell?
a) Plant cells have a cell wall and animal cells don't
b) Plant cells have a nucleus and animal cells don't
c) Plant cells have a cell membrane and animal cells don't
d) Plant cells can maintain homeostasis and animal cells can't

What part of the plant increases surface area and water absorption?
a) Stomata
b) Cuticle
c) Root hairs
d) Xylem

Which of the following is/are characteristics of all plants?
a) Autotrophic
b) Multicellular
c) Eukaryotic
d) All are correct

Which vascular tissue carries water up a plant?
a) Xylem
b) Phloem
c) Stomata
d) Cuticle

Which part of a flower does pollen get deposted on?

a) Style
b) Stigma
c) Ovary
d) Anther

An anther that pollinates the stigma of the same flower is known as-
a) cross pollination.
b) self-pollination.
c) asexual reproduction.
d) binary fission.

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