Aztec Pre- Contact Test Question Preview (ID: 61224)

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What was the responsibility of the emperor?
a) Commanded Armies and made final decisions
b) kept the agricultural calendar
c) performed sacrifices
d) met with the slaves about their concerns

How did the Aztecs choose their leader/ emperor?
a) It was a hereditary position.
b) He as elected by the Merchant class.
c) He was elected by the The noble class
d) The gods chose him.

Why did warriors capture prisoners?
a) Because they thought it was fun to capture prisoners.
b) Because, to stay in your rank, you had to capture prisoners and if you failed to capture a prisoner you would be moved down a
c) They captured prisoners because, if they failed to capture a prisoner, they would be seriously punished
d) Because, capturing prisoners was a key for warriors to rise through the ranks in Aztec society

what did aqueducts do to help the Aztecs?
a) To stop water from flowing to their city
b) To drain water from their city into the lake
c) To help bring water to their city from the mountains
d) Helped bring fresh water to the city from underground springs

What happened to the people the Aztecs captured?
a) They became slaves and could pay off their debt to be free.
b) They became good friends.
c) They became slaves and were often sacrificed to the Aztecs’ Gods.
d) They were killed.

What event led to the destruction of Tenochtitlan?
a) drought
b) the invasion of the spanish
c) Goats ate the city
d) the invasion of the Maya

What does it mean to be Polytheistic?
a) You believe in many gods
b) you don't believe in gods, but rather in the capabilities of humans
c) you only believe in one god
d) You believe that the emperor is a god

How did the Aztecs expand their population
a) conquered neighboring tribes
b) With the prisoners they caught
c) Over time they gained more followers
d) Over time they gained more followers

what did the mountains mean to the Aztecs?
a) Just a physical site
b) A hassle, As it caused flash floods
c) Sacred, as they were closer to the gods
d) Merely protection from invaders

How did the Aztecs end up in Lake Texcoco (hint; based off of their creation story)
a) One of their gods had told them to settle when they found and eagle perched on a cactus
b) They picked where they wanted to settle
c) They played rock, paper, scissors to determine where they would settle
d) One of their gods told them to travel south forever

Why did the Aztecs fear Tlaloc (Rain god)
a) He could cause oceans to rise
b) he could cause droughts
c) he could cause floods
d) All of the above

What is the MAIN benefit of living on an Island for the Aztecs?
a) No Natural disasters
b) Provided safety from enemies
c) high elevation
d) unlimited fresh water

what are codices?
a) comic books
b) pictographs
c) stories translated into pictures
d) books

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