Q3 Review For ES Question Preview (ID: 61219)

Q3 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

If the number of births is greater than the number of deaths in a population, what will happen to the growth of the population?
a) It will increase.
b) It will stay the same
c) It will decrease.
d) It will fluctuate

Largest number of individuals of a population that the environment can support...
a) carrying capacity
b) lag phase
c) population crash
d) mutualism

occurs when populations reach a carrying capacity established by a limiting resource and initially experience large growth but then level off. However, they do not exist exactly at carrying capacity. They fluctuate above and below.
a) logistical growth model
b) human impact on the ecosystem is affected by
c) growth rate equation
d) Family Planning

reproductive strategies of different species. Type I fosters their young, Type II does sorta kinda, and type III straight up ditches their kids
a) Type I, II, III Curves
b) Demographic Transition
c) Resource partitioning
d) Interspecific Competition

A species with a low intrinsic growth rate that causes the population to increase slowly until it reaches carrying capacity (TYPE I)
a) K selective strategies
b) Interspecific Competition
c) Intraspecific Competition
d) Population age structure

A species with a high intrinsic growth rate that causes the population to overshoot and quickly die off (TYPE III)
a) R selective strategies
b) Population density
c) Commensalism
d) Predation

Which of the following are density dependent factors?
a) competition for resources
b) disease
c) predation
d) all of the above

The small town of West Fremont has a population of 50,000. If the growth rate of West Fremont is 2%, then how long will it take for the population of West Fremont to double?
a) 10 years
b) 15 years
c) 20 years
d) 35 years

Suppose a population of rabbits has a crude birth rate of 47 young in one year. If the crude death rate is 11 rabbits, what is the growth rate of the rabbit population?
a) 6.3%
b) 3.6%
c) 36%
d) 1%

DDT is a POP (Persistent Organic Pesticide) that can act as an endocrine disruptor. Which would it have the greatest effect on?
a) Grass
b) Grasshoppers
c) Rabbits
d) Eagles

What is called when an industry removes water from a source and then returns the heated water to its source?
a) Water pollution
b) Thermal pollution
c) Soil pollution
d) Air pollution

Pollution that comes from MANY different places and is hard to identify its source.
a) Point
b) Non-point
c) nope
d) don't pick me

Pollution that comes from a single source
a) Point source
b) Non-point source
c) Nope
d) Don't pick me

By removing the following, which organism would cause the most instability in an ecosystem
a) Keystone species
b) Pioneer species
c) Primary Consumer

What is the cause of rising surface temperatures of the Pacific Ocean, drought in the western United States, and flooding on the Pacific coast of South America?
a) the Gulf stream
b) the Jet stream
c) La Nina
d) El Nino

Convection in the ocean impacts the climate of the planet. This includes creating el ninos. True or false?
a) True
b) False
c) Maybe.....
d) I dunno

Which of the following would be considered good evidence that the over-exploitation of resources in an environment harms organisms living in that environment?
a) When people cut down and log trees in a forest, many species of animals lose their habitats.
b) Large solar energy panels in the desert don't work well when they get covered in sand and dust.
c) Mining a mountain top for coal results in cheaper electricity for consumers
d) Water levels in a reservoir go down when water evaporates from the surface.

Which of the following practices would result in the loss of biodiversity in an ecosystem?
a) clearing a forest and building a housing development
b) allowing a small forest fire to burn after lightning strikes
c) walking through a forest to identify all of the tree species
d) hunting deer in a forest during hunting season

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