U.S. History - Unit 10 (SSUSH21a) Question Preview (ID: 61202)

Conflicts In Cuba And Vietnam. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The pinnacle of hostilities between the U.S. and the Soviet Union occurred during...
a) the 1960s
b) the 1950s
c) the 1980s
d) the 1970s

Cuba is located...
a) only 90 miles away from the U.S.
b) in the Pacific Ocean
c) east of North Carolina
d) at the southern end of the Caribbean Sea

Although the U.S. and Cuba were allies during the 1950s, Cuba was...
a) controlled by General Batista and a military dicatorship
b) also allies with the USSR
c) the poorest nation in the Caribbean
d) led by Fidel Castro

General Batista was eventually overthrown by:
a) Raul and Fidel Castro
b) Soviet troops
c) Cuban exiles
d) the U.S. Army

When Fidel Castro became the president of Cuba, he...
a) nationalized many businesses
b) openly traded with the U.S. government
c) returned democracy to the island
d) gave all of the land to the wealthiest Cuban families

What was the result of the Bay of Pigs invasion?
a) The Cuban exiles were quickly defeated.
b) The Cuban exiles were able to capture Cuba.
c) Soviet soldiers retreated to Havana after their defeat.
d) The U.S. regained control of Cuba.

Why did Fidel Castro welcome the building of missile sites in Cuba?
a) to prevent the U.S. from launching an invasion
b) to show off the power of Cuba
c) to intimidate the Soviet Union
d) ####

How did John F. Kennedy respond to the Soviets sending nuclear weapons to Cuba?
a) He ordered a blockade of the island.
b) He immediately attacked Cuba.
c) He sent hundreds of nuclear weapons to Greece and Japan.
d) ####

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, Vietnam was a colony of:
a) France
b) the U.S.
c) Great Britain
d) Indonesia

Which group organized a resistance movement against the French in Vietnam?
a) the Vietminh
b) the Vietcong
c) Vietnamese exiles
d) communists from China

The leader of the communists in Vietnam for decades was...
a) Ho Chi Minh
b) Mao Zedong
c) Chiang Kai-shek
d) ####

In 1954, the United Nations divided Vietnam on:
a) the 17th Parallel
b) the 38th Parallel
c) the 49th Parallel
d) the equator

A 1963 coup in South Vietnam...
a) created chaos in the region
b) signaled the end of the Vietnam War
c) caused John F. Kennedy to remove the American soldiers from Southeast Asia
d) ####

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution...
a) allowed the U.S. to conduct military operations in Southeast Asia
b) was a declaration of war from the U.S.
c) prohibited the Soviets from helping the North Vietnamese
d) led to the assassination of Ho Chi Minh

By March 1965, President Lyndon Johnson...
a) sent ground troops to South Vietnam
b) stopped aerial attacks against North Vietnam
c) reached a peace agreement with Ho Chi Minh
d) ####

By 1968, how many American soldiers were fighting in Vietnam?
a) 500,000
b) 200,000
c) 50,000
d) 20,000

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